For Us

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" So, you are leaving then? " Taehyung asked in a low whisper, his voice barely coming out and making its way to Jungkook sitting across him on the couch of Taehyung’s little living room at the Country side.

There weren't any sounds making their way to both of their ears, except Jungkook’s ragged breaths and Taehyung’s leg bouncing, tapping the floor beneath and rising a sound that knocked down at his own broken walls. Taehyung’s head was lowered down, facing the floor, because he knew he couldn't lift his head up and stare at the man sitting beside him at a distance.

He knew he would end up doing something stupid. Very stupid. Such as, begging or pleading him to stay. Even though, the thing in between them was meant to end since the very start. Taehyung knew it and kept it in his head every time Jungkook touched him like he owned him and Taehyung really belonged to him. It was meant to end, Jungkook made it clear, as he never did relationships.

And, Taehyung agreed because, he was too far into that matter, too eager to hold any piece of that confident, handsome and charming city boy that he didn't put second thoughts to the consequences of his mindless actions. The words he had said and the promises he had end up making without thinking twice, with just one thing hovering right over his head. To have Jungkook. And, nothing else other than that seemed to matter for him.

Jungkook shifted and the sound of shuffling banged over Taehyung’s head. His dry hands cradled his own face, as Jungkook ran his palms over his sweaty temples and forehead and after running his fingers through his hair, he leaned his elbows right over his lap, holding his head tightly.

" Yes. Moving to California. Finally. " Jungkook breathed out the words under his breath, his fingers pressing over his scalp while he pressed his thumbs right over his pulsing temples.

Taehyung’s soul staggered against his flesh, his heart slamming hard against his chest and knots forming right at the pit of his stomach, making him lose his grasp over everything but the guilt and sorrow dancing over the bruised parts of himself.

California. Jungkook had wanted to leave this place and go there since the time he arrived here almost three months back. He had came there as a punishment which his father had inflicted upon him when he had gotten into a little accident while drunk driving after arriving from the party in the City.

Taehyung knew how passionate Jungkook was to go there and live his life in any way he wanted to. Jungkook had told him about his little dreams, about what he wanted to do there and the clubs he wished to visit once he was there, right after they would lay in each other's arms after an immensely passionate night.

While, Taehyung really had to kill back his urge to sob holding Jungkook close to himself and tell him that he didn't want him to leave, he never did something like that as he was scared of losing that little time he had with Jungkook. Jungkook was never meant to stay, Taehyung knew. But still, he ended up getting himself completely wrapped up in that boy, even after knowing his priorities and what he really thought of their relationship.

And, now sitting there, it wasn't just single piece of his self which was being wounded and bruised. Not just one. He could feel throbbing pain in his every veins, a piercing sensation alive in his chest and burns in the every fibre that made his flesh. It was like in those months he had ended up giving himself slowly slowly to Jungkook in a way that his own flesh seemed to leave the hold over his bones, ready to leave him just like Jungkook, because it didn't belong to him anymore.

Everything confining him, making him feel alive, every single thing that made him ' Taehyung ' felt like leaving him, right beside Jungkook, as those things belonged to him. Not Taehyung himself.

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