Walking Moon On Earth

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Morning Time:

Taehyung was laying on his bed peacefully. His expression held a type of comfort which he only got to experience in his sleep and no where else. His alarm clock buzzed which had him let out a light groan and turn it off. He turned around rubbing his eyes and abrubtly sat straight, opening his eyes while blinking repeatedly.

Getting up from his bed he went to bathroom and after washing his face, he saw his reflection in the mirror.

There stood that mark. A huge one. On his face. A birth mark.

It stood so proudly on his right cheek. So blackish brown. The reason of his bullying from kindergarten to college. It was just a birthmark but for Taehyung it sometimes felt like a curse mark. The one which was especially sent by God to make his living life a hell. The one which was especially sent from above the seven skies to make him shed tears in the deep darkness of every night.

There were many times. Many times he thought of tearing his skin apart which had that mark, so that then it will start hurting him physically too. Then the pain and horrible memories which this scar has given to him and the emotional pain which almost tattered his soul apart will also make him feel the physical pain. Becuase, he was tired of letting this mark damage his soul and listen to the words of others which shattered his already torn heart apart.

Unconsciously, his fingers made their way to his mark. He caressed the mark on his face with his finger, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

" I am so ugly. This mark..." He mumbled to himself, " ...it shows God's hate on me when he made me. I was born to be hated. I am that unnecessary thorn in the flowery lives of others which everyone gets rid of in a second, as if they are afraid of me to hurt them and make them bleed. " He whispered to himself, voice cracking as his eyes got filled with the tears, " I can't be someone's flower. I can't. "

Murmuring last words to himself, he shaked his head snapping himself out of the heavy thoughts and inhaled in a deep breath, before he again washed up his face, but this time more aggressively and passionately.

He always did it. Always. Since he discovered that the mark on his face made him look like a monster and unwanted walking thorn he always washed his face so desperately. So desperate to get rid of that mark. But the mark? It never faded away. It was always the same. It was like the sight which had moon turning black during lunar eclipse.

Taehyung was moon. No one saw it. Because, always everyone saw that sight of him during the lunar eclipse when the blackness  covered him and hid his real beauty behind its darkness. Everyone noticed that huge mark. No one noticed the real moon. Real Taehyung. No one saw him.


Reaching the college he finally realised that he had reached early. He was always early and he liked it, becuase at that time the college was empty and there was no one to send him weird glares when he entered. It was his first year and he clearly remembered the time when he entered the college and everyone started murmuring in each others ears while some just gasped, seeing his mark.

He never thought of hiding it. He never wanted to hide it. There were many products available, many foundations and even some creams but he never got himself attracted to such things. Why he would even hide a part of himself just for the sake of his acceptance in the society? Just to make people like him? No. He would never do that. Because, it's better to live alone than to have a bunch of freinds who just accept beautiful parts of you and not the ugly ones.

Isn't this what we call true love? To love someone's right and wrong, bad or good, beautiful and ugly, messy and neat, sane and insane. Every side of their personality and character? That's how he wanted someone to love him and want him. Doesn't matter if it was friendly love and romantic one. He wanted someone to love him as a whole. Not just his beautiful parts but also to love his ugly parts. Like this mark.

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