Chapter 9

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1 week later ~

It's been 1 month since ace and luffy was on mobydick, and now after resting for two and half weeks luffy was feeling good ( he was unconscious rest of the time) and even tate gave him permission to go out and luffy was very very happy about it.

Because it's so boring to be cooped up in that room with white walls.

Right now luffy is having his final check up and then he would be free.

"Luffy! listen don't exert yourself. Your injury is still not healed properly, it is still gonna take lots of time to heal properly, don't move too much or its going to hurt alot." says tate while still checking luffy up properly for any pain or discomfort.

"Don't worry , tate nee san i will be okay and thatchy is here so its all good, now can I please goo~" luffy said whining a little because it's taking too much time and he just want to go out now.

Thatch was watching everything from the door frame. He and Marco was incharge of babysitting luffy and he gladly accept that offer, Marco was making a face saying he doesn't want to babysit some brat, but in the end he give in.

"Now luffy you are good to go and remember what i said okay."
She looked towards thatch.

"Thatch make sure that he doesn't hurt himself or run or do any sort of activity" tate said looking at thatch sternly.

" Don't worry, tate I will take care of him and Besides that wanna go on a date" thatch said winking at her.

Before she could curse him, they hear a panicked scream.

" Aahhhh where's my hat" luffy was panicking so much after all it's his treasure that was given to him by his idol.

"Hey hey luffy calm down, it's here in that cupboard." Tate says moving towards cupboard to bring luffy's hat to him.

Tate give luffy his hat, thatch saw luffy clutching his hat tightly in his hand and hugging it.

"It must have been very precious to him" though thatch and tate smiling softly while looking at luffy.

"Hey luffy let's go, time to meet everyone" thatch says smiling at him.

Luffy smiled brightly at him.

They say goodbye to tate and also that luffy isn't going to exert his body and thatch will make sure of that.

"Waahh ship ship ship i can finally see the ship" luffy was practically bouncing everywhere not being able to control his happiness.

They were saying hello to everyone on their way to oyaji's chair.

"Wow this is the biggest pirate ship i have ever seen,shanks ship was also very big , but not this big" said luffy looking here there taking in the ships design and structure.

Thatch was listening luffy chanting ship ship but then he hear luffy said the biggest ship he had ever seen thatch smiled at that, but soon his smile turned into frown when he heard luffy said the name shanks before he could ask anything, luffy ran away.

"Did he just said shanks, as in red haired shanks. The yonkou!???"

"No, i might be hallucinating " thatch shrugged his shoulders, little did he know that he is right about shanks.

Most of people was on deck some doing fishing, some doing their work as in cleaning their sword or any other thing, some were just lazing around.

All the commander were on deck because thatch told them that luffy is okay enough to leave medical room. they hasn't met him , the only people who met him was thatch and Marco. So they were actually excited to meet him from the way thatch was describing him, that kid sounds like he is fun to be around.

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