Chapter 11 (1/2)

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Ace was hearing voices but he couldn't make what they were saying.

He didn't particularly want to wake up. Everything hurts, every part of his body was screaming that he should just go to sleep again and that's what he also want, he just wants to sleep, everything is comfortable here like this.

Until he hear someone say luffy, upon hearing luffy's name everything that has happened come running to his head he has to see his little brother, he can't just lie here when he didn't even know if his little brother is even okay.

He heard someone say "luffy don't go" where is luffy going and who was telling him not to go, no he can't sleep again he has to wake up even if everything from his toe nail to his hairs hurt, it doesn't matter, if it's for luffy, nothing ever mattered. Only luffy matters.

Ace slowly opened his eyes , somewhat dazzily.

"Aaahh too bright" thought ace he again closed his eyes and opened them very slowly again, adjusting to the bright light.

He was just there staring at the ceiling processing everything that has happened to them. He literally forget that he took dadan's advice and asked whitebeard pirates to help him.

He turned his head to side where sound of someone yelling was coming from, he saw two people one with ridiculous hair as it looked like he didn't comb his hair and another man or women?? who was wearing mascara and makeup more than any girl ace had ever seen.

That makeup person was yelling something trying to hit the man with ridiculous hair and that guy was snapping back just as viciously and loudly in between his yelling.

But main question is luffy, where is he??

"'..hell" said ace, his throat was so dry and hurting so much just from some words.

The two man fighting there froze, both staring at him.

"Ace yoi??" Ace turned his head a little to look at the familiar face, ace could never forget that fruit like hairstyle it's that person,the person who saved him, who saved his precious brother.

Luffy! where is he??my little brother.(ace thought, now gaining full conscious)

Suddenly he didn't care about pain, he
Heaved himself up, gripping the railings of the medical bed to keep himself from falling back down. His body hurt so much , his hair was falling into his eyes , but that didn't prevent him from glaring at the people infront of him. His free hand balling into a fist and setting itself on fire.

"Where is my little brother?" Ace snarled.

Thatch gasped, he took a step forward with Marco.

"Ace, right? Ace, luffy is fine" thatch said trying to sound gentle. Marco was standing beside him ready to stop any attack that might come to them, seeing as ace's fist was on fire.

"Where is he? Tell me, where's my brother?" Ace asked angrily.

Ace felt his breath growing shorter, there was a distant pain in the back of head, which was growing second by second. He ignored it trying to focus on the flames in his fist, he has to be ready in case he has to fight them for luffy. It's getting hard to breath, it feels like he is going to pass out again.

But if anything happened to his precious brother he is going to take these 3 with him. He is going to kill everyone here.

"What did you do to my brother"

"Aaahh of all time the chef had to make a apple candy now , i should have brought candy here with me instead of sending that kid to kitchen" mumbled izou to himself while panicking, but thatch and Marco Heard it and they couldn't agree more.

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