(special~) brothers come to visit!!

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In the early morning, the straw hat crew are fast asleep except for their cook Sanji whom is preparing breakfast and their current lookout person Brook, situated in the crow's nest. Both were unsuspecting of the two figures beside their ship Thousand Sunny, tying their own transport to the side and climbing up onto deck. One man is currently looking around the deck while the other is still on their respected small ship, finishing up securing it to the bigger ship.

"So this is Lu's ship. I must say, it certainly suits him"

"Yea, it's different from the last one I was on though" the other man replied

"Who's there?" yelled Brook, jumping down from the crow's nest and drawing his sword

Upon hearing Brook's shout, Sanji rushed out onto the balcony of the deck, only to see a blonde stranger smiling or is that smirking at Brook who has his sword drawn out and ready to attack or defend. The intruder gave a quick glance to Sanji as if to let him know that he's aware of his presence, yet he remained silent while he continued to inspect the deck of the ship.

"Who are you?" inquired Sanji, feeling slightly tense as he could somehow feel a bit of the intruder's strength radiating off of him.

The man continues to remain silent, making Sanji agitated. A few moments passed in uncomfortable silence with the man showing no signs of backing down. Sanji had had enough and was about to demand who he was again but was cut off.

"Just a visitor" the man continues as he reaches for something from his shoulders "I brought food and sake as presents" he pauses as his hand grabs air "Ah! oops it's not on me. Must of left it on striker"

"Yohohoho a visitor? Were we expecting anyone Sanji-san?"

"No! This guy is a complete stranger. We're days away from an island and you expect us to believe that you're just visiting?"


Hearing noises up on deck stirred the rest of the crew awake. Luffy and Zoro are the first to rush out, intending to find and stop the source of noise and possible unwanted guests, judging by the way Sanji and Brook are talking.

"So noisy, disrupting my sleep like that" grumbled Zoro

"Do we have gue-SABO!"

Before anyone could even blink, Luffy rocketed himself towards the stranger who easily catches him as Luffy wraps his arms and legs around the man a few times into a bone crushing hug and giving him the most radiating smile that took up majority of Luffy's face, only possible due to his rubber abilities.

"Sabo! I missed you! What are you doing here?"

The man, now identified as Sabo ruffles Luffy's already messy hair and smiles back

"Hey Lu, just visiting. Thought I'll come see how you're doing and meet your crew"

"Really?! Are you staying for long? Stay! My nakama are great, they're so strong and weird shishishi. I even got a new sh-"

"What's going on?"

Nami's yelling cut off Luffy's rambling and brought the two back to reality. During that time, the rest of the crew also gathered on deck and is watching their captain interact with the guest closely.

"Nami-swan, Robin-chwan! You guys are looking beautiful as always" Sanji exclaims upon seeing them

Robin voicing out the question on everyone's mind and effectively ignoring Sanji, asks "Captain-san, who may this gentleman be?"

"Eh? Didn't I tell you guys?"

"No" Sanji grumbles

"Oh, well this is my other older brother Sabo! Shishishishi, Sabo these are my nakama"

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