chapter 30

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When Marco and luffy come back there was no one, not even single soul was on deck.

"Ne Marco! where is everyone?" Luffy asked confused.

"Dunno but I'm hungry, so let's go to mess hall yoi" upon hearing food, luffy ignored everything and followed Marco towards mess hall.

What Luffy wasn't expecting was for everyone to shout 'Surprise!' and 'Happy Birthday Luffy!' when he entered the room. His eyes started to water when he saw the large banner hanging from the ceiling that read 'Happy Birthday Luffy!' and had little miniature versions of him, his brothers, and the Whitebeard Pirates that Luffy was familiar with. Luffy turned to Sabo, Ace and thatch and hugged them tightly thanking them.

"Let's get this party started!" Thatch shouted, with everyone else shouting their agreement.

The party started out with the food, which as usual tasted amazing. The food that Thatch had prepared was various dishes made with different kinds of meat from regular beef to lamb to crocodile to even Sea King meat. Luffy's favorite meat was a tie between crocodile and Sea King.

Ace and Sabo handed Luffy their presents to him first,Sabo then handed him the small box and said it was from them. Luffy opened it and was astounded at the locket and got teary eyed at the engraving at the back. He then promptly hugged Sabo and ace tightly.

"We'll get a picture for it later." Sabo said after Luffy let go and decided to show the locket to everyone and then put it on.

Ace and Sabo then each handed him one of the medium boxes.

"This gift is the same thing but, it's special." Sabo said.

Luffy opened both and was confused when he saw two pure white sheets of paper. Everyone else was gaping at them instead.

"Why is it paper?" Luffy asked.

"It's a Vivre Card. We tear of a piece and give it to each other. They'll float towards the larger piece and let you know whether or not we're.. uh dying." Ace said.

"How did you two find them in this part of grand line?" Thatch asked.

Ace and sabo just shrugged their shoulder.

"Some middle aged women was selling them" ace said.

Ace and Sabo then tore a strip one fifth the size of the paper and then ripped the strip in half. They then gave a piece to their other brothers so that they each held a piece while the original would hold the larger

"I love it, this means I can always know where Ace and Sabo are if they aren't on the ship." Luffy said, taking the papers and his straw hat and then giving them to Marco who sighed.

Marco fiddled with the ribbon and papers so that they would stay there safely without the wind blowing them away. Luffy took his hat back with a smile and put it back on.

Everybody started giving luffy there gifts.

After the gift ceremony ended.

Now's the time for cake.

The cake was really big and it was looking delicious. Luffy cut the cake and they all sang him "happy birthday".

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