chapter 19

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It's been a week since all of this happened and everybody seems to forget about the betrayal slowly but surely.

And today is the day where ace is going on his first mission.

"Aceee, so how are you feeling about going on your first ever mission?" Haruta asked holding a bottle near ace's mouth like mic.

"It's good and I'm actually excited and happy but.." ace sighed.

"Ace what happened yoi?" Marco asked worriedly because ace sounds sad.

"Its nothing Marco, it's just I have never been away from luffy since he and I met so I'm sad, and don't get me wrong, this ship is the most safe place for luffy but I can't help and feel worried." Ace said sadly.

Marco smiled at the brotherly concern.

"It's alright ace, I know you are worried but trust me luffy will be alright and it's not like you are going for long, you are just going for 2 days" thatch said trying to cheer up ace.

"Yess ace, thatchy is right and I'm not a kid, I'm a pirate" luffy said putting his hands on both sides of his waist, lifting his head up, trying to look tough.
(Instead of tough he looks cute👍🏻)

They all laughed.

"Hey! don't laugh, my punch is like a pistol" luffy yelled angrily and tried to throw his punch but ended up hitting himself, that made them laugh more.

"Okay okay luffy let's ignore them, I heard that they made lots of meat for lunch." Izou said and grabbed luffy's hand. They both went towards the kitchen.

"Ace it's alright yoi, everybody is here  oyaji, thatch, izou, vista, jozu, namur, haruta yoi. There's no need to worry even if someone came here they won't be able to touch luffy yoi." Marco said reassuringly to a very worried older brother.

Ace sighed looking at them. He nodded his head smiled.

"Yes you are right Marco everybody is here, so it will be alright" ace said and smiled little.

"Now lets go for lunch everybody" thatch yelled and all them including ace went to have lunch.

After lunch....

Now is the time, ace is going on his first mission, the boat is prepared and everything is done.

"Luffy I will be going now." Ace said trying to sound happy but his voice is betraying him, anybody who heard him, can say that he is this close to crying and luffy isn't any different.

"Okay...." Luffy whispered covering his face with his hat.

Everybody watched two brothers having a emotional moment.

Ace bowed his head down and went towards the boat.

"Aceeeee" luffy yelled and jumped on him, wrapping his hands around him dozens of time, crying.

Ace try to act tough but give in and hugged him back.

"Shhh luffy it's alright, I will be back in two days don't worry about me and listen to thatch okay and stay away from water and don't go anywhere alone" ace said as luffy unwrapped himself.

"Okay ace" luffy said wiping his nose.

And just like that ace and Marco went away for ace's first mission.

"Hey luffy, it's alright okay let's go, we will do some fishing for the dinner" nodding his head luffy went away with namur.


"LUFFFFFYYY!" Thatch yelled for the 13th time.

"Thatch my son, calm down and tell me what happened" oyaji said putting his hand on thatch's back to calm him down.

Ace,luffy and whitebeard pirates ✿✯Where stories live. Discover now