Chapter 25

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"tate we have docked on the island and Marco oyaji wanted to see you" thatch informed.

"Why me yoi!?" Marco asked confused. Thatch just shrugged his shoulders.

"Good. Thatch call izou and both of you come with me for the medicine and we have to hurry it's already evening" tate said as she went out with thatch.

"Ace do you-"

"no I will stay here with luffy."

Marco hesitated to leave ace all alone like that.

"Don't worry Marco you should go since oyaji is the one who called i think it might be important and we are here me, crystal, Trista" ash said

"Okay ash take care of them " taking a last look at luffy and ace. Marco went to meet pops who was sitting on his large chair on deck.

"Oyaji! You called me yoi ?" Marco asked once he was pops.

"Yess my son Marco, first of all how is luffy?"

"Well he is not really okay but tate, thatch and izou has went inside the town for the medicine yoi " Marco said.

"Okay. I hope he gets well soon, it pains me to see my childrens like this and Marco I want you to check something." Marco looked at pops confused.

"Apparantly some of your brothers who were on look out from past 1 week has noticed a boat following our ship and now when we are docked that boat is also docked a little far away from us. It might be someone travelling but better be safe than sorry" oyaji said.

"Okay yoi don't worry oyaji, I will check it myself" Marco said and turned into his phoenix form and went towards that boat.

"Ohh looks like whitebeard pirates have noticed my presence" blue gentleman thought and smirked.

Marco landed gracefully on the boat.

"Oh my.. what a pleasure meeting you first division commander, mr. Phoenix san, greetings" blue gentleman stated as he bowed his head.

Marco looked at him lazily and his eyes widened a little for a brief moment when he realised who is he.

"Well.. well .. the pleasure is all mine, the chief of the revolutionary army" marco stated.

They both gave each other a fake smile.

"Oh so he is a shrewd type" both of them thought at the same time.

"May I know why would you bother to come behind our ship chief of staff yoi?" Marco asked.

"Well phoenix san I have a name and it's sabo please refer me with my name, no need to remind me my position again and again I know it very well and about why I'm here it's because I was assigned on an personal mission " sabo said as he gave him a fake smile.

(I'm sorry if it seems out of character but honestly I always thought that sabo is someone who is witty, cocky and cheeky but in a good way so i wrote it in my own way)

"Ohh.. a personal mission sounds good yoi but does that personal mission consists of following the whitebeard pirates." Marco asked cheekily.

"Well it doesn't have anything to do with the whitebeard pirates but with someone who is with you right now. The son of the leader of the revolutionary army" sabo stated.

"Okay okay.. and what does you have to do with him mr. Sabo yoi?" Marco asked as he give sabo a tight lipped smile.

"Well this is getting nowhere, phoenix san I won't beat around the bush, I was sent here to check on dragon san's son and his elder brother, he sent me here to make sure that they are okay"

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