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Nathan's POV

"Do we really need all of this?" I watched as the maids carried suitcase after suitcase onto the plane. "I mean we aren't going to be there forever- right?"

Max shrugged, his face completely blank besides his darkened eyes. Ever since he had read the letter he had been impossibly quiet. A maid nearby broke a vase and he simply glared- he didn't even reprimand her! All he had given me were small glances and nods, and the occasional peck as he dipped in and out of rooms.

"Max, what's wrong?" I gently squeezed his hands. "We have to communicate-"

"This will be a quick visit, we'll be back by the time fall semester starts. Board the plane without me, there's something I'd like to grab." Max didn't look me in the eyes as he turned to leave. "If you need anything, tell the help."

I watched as he walked away, feeling his pheromones radiate off his tiny frame as the door closed. I wanted to follow him, but something told me that I'd only make it worse so I followed his directions instead. I tried to ignore the whispers and stares of my classmates as I left the building, most of them I hadn't seen since I moved into Max's dorm. By now, everyone knew we were mates but people still seemed surprised.

I would be surprised too, I always rejected the idea of dating- especially mating.

I slumped down in my seat as butlers offered me thousands of carefully selected sweets. I couldn't help but wonder how Max had such perfectly white teeth with his sugar consumption. For breakfast, he'd have thick hot chocolate with French toast coated in powdered sugar. For lunch, he'd have several crapes full of fruits and caramel. For dinner, he'd eat his favorite, 7-layer custard cake.

"And who are you?" A gruff voice followed the sound of a clicking gun. "You have five seconds to answer before I blow your mouth off."

"Leonardo, you imbecile." A long blade pressed against the neck of the man, tiny hands holding it, as his gun dropped. "You dare threaten my mate?"

The man rapidly turned around, dropping to his knees into a bow as Max laid the sword aside. Max's eyes were cold, like a serial killer about to add another victim to their list. His lips pursed into a thin line as he scoffed, stomping past the man and plopping down in my lap.

"You're as meddlesome as ever," Max motioned for the man to rise, "Had I come later would you have shot him dead?"

"I'm ordered to protect you-"

"You're ordered to follow my orders!" Max scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Get out of my sight!"

The man gave me a final glare before walking away, his face flipped into a frown.

"Max, he's only looking out for you." I tried to calm him as I felt his pheromones spike, his hands clenched into tight fists as he glared up at me, "I'm sure he only has your best interests at heart."

"You could have been terribly hurt yet you are defending his stupidity!" Max sneered, crossing his arms as he turned away from me.


"Max...I'm sorry I worried you but look- I'm alright aren't I?" I held him closer as he buried his face in my neck.

"I-I'm sorry I just-" his hands tightly gripped my shirt, "-Everything is happening really fast right now! Father's back but not really, he expects pups, the village needs me- There's just so much to do!"

"Max, you don't have to do it alone." I gently rubbed his back as he bashfully looked up at me, he could probably feel how fast my heart was racing. "I mean, we're mates now, we're supposed to be there for each other."

"How do I know you will not run away from me again?" His gaze wavered.

Ouch- But fair

"If it helps, I can wear a leash and you can drag me around." I smirked as his face flushed.

"You-" His ears reddened as he hid his face in his hands, "You are absolutely ridiculous."

"Admit it, you love me." His lips were so close, all I had to do was lean down...

"I adore you~" He cooed, his soft hands cupping my face as my thoughts slowed. His touch was calming. "You're blushing, Nathan."

"Can we just- stay like this for a bit?" I closed my eyes, absorbing his warmth.

"As long as you'd like," he whispered as he planted gentle kisses on my lips.

Max's POV

I stood on my toes, reaching for the plate of petite cakes on the fridge. I was so close to getting them I could taste the raspberry filling. Normally, I'd have asked Nathan to grab it, mainly so I could watch his muscles shyly peek from his shirt as he would stretch but Nathan was snoring in his seat with kiss-swollen lips. I could not help but smile while thinking of his flustered face and delicate gaze.

"I never expected you to mate," A shadow spilled in the room, "Especially to a mudblood peasant-"

"Leonardo, shut the fuck up." His presence pissed me off enough, I didn't need to hear his voice.

"You're so cold-"

"Did you really expect to be embraced with open arms by your ex-betrothal!" I slammed the cabinet doors shut as I left the make-shift kitchen. "The absolute gull you have to act as my security on my plane!"


"It's Sir to you! Now leave before I request your death!" I slammed and locked the door to me and Nathan's wing of the plane.

I still had no idea how he managed to get onto security, probably pulled some strings with his father. You would think that after calling off an engagement he'd get the hint that his presence was unwanted. His love had and would always be unrequited, yet he was still finding ways to force himself back into my life. From the moment we were betrothed I hated him, what kind of best-friend tries to force you into a marriage?!

It was during a time Father worried over our finances. The business he'd invested in the most hadn't been performing well, and he was concerned it would be a waste. I had also just been presented, and the word had spread that he had a fine jewel ready to be traded. Leonardo and I had been friends since we were boys. I had no reason to believe his advances were true, but still, over and over, he confessed like the lovesick schoolboy he was. Every time I rejected him he'd just promise to come back with bigger fruit-baskets or bigger diamonds. Constantly, he joked about having his father demand my hand in marriage. We were barely fifteen, it seemed so ridiculous to me. Somehow, he managed to convince Father. Father was ecstatic while I locked myself in my room and wept for days. Leonardo, someone I thought I could trust, for it to be him of all people, a friend for so many years.

I only managed to get out of the marriage by exposing Leonardo as a disgusting pig, taping a time where he attempted to get an under-cover omega investigator inebriated using spiked liquor. His military manager father was the only man to save him from prison but not powerful enough to save his reputation from ruin.

"You smell nice," I jumped as Nathan laid his head on my shoulder, unaware he had even woken up.

"How was your nap?" His presence made me happier than raspberry pie from the village. I could listen to his just-woke-up voice all day. "If the seats are not to your liking I can request-"

"Max, everything is perfect." His smile made my heart flutter. "Is something wrong?"

"No! Everything is fine!" I quickly swapped the frown on my face to a smile, "I'm just...worried about my Father I suppose."

"I see...what can I do to help?" Guilt pecked at my conscience as he held me close.

"I would like to have some of the cakes in the kitchen but I...cannot reach them." I mumbled as I hid my face.

This is so embarrassing!

"I'll grab them for you," he kissed my forehead before running off.

Why do I feel so guilty? Leonardo is not anyone of importance to me- so why does it feel wrong to not tell Nathan about him?

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