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Nathan's POV

We arrived at the village before sundown, the thick clouds shading us as servants and maids rushed about. The villa was spotless, shined and polished to perfection. Max had disappeared into the office and Leonardo had been tasked with giving me a tour. We started outside in the tropical gardens near the beach, then made our way to the game-rooms and dining areas. The villa was massive, about half the size of the academy and twice as tall. The hallways were endless and the massive windows displayed the beautiful landscapes inviting exploration.

"Your bedroom is to the right," Leonardo turned to walk away.

"His bedroom is where mine is." Max popped out from the corner, grabbing my hand and leading me away.

"It is improper-"

"I do not care! He lays where I lay!" Max spat as he squeezed my hand. "Go tend to dinner!"

Max pushed me into his room, slamming the door closed. His face was red and his tiny fists trembling. Sure, I had seen him angry before, but this was different. His eyes were glossy and his lips pursed. I gently pulled him into my lap as tears rushed down his face. I hummed as he buried his face in my neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I whispered. "You don't have to...but I want to help you feel better and I can't if you don't tell me what's bothering you."

His eyebrows furrowed as he wiped his face, clearly thinking over my offer. He stared at the floor as I tightly wrapped my arms around him, holding him in a hug. He looked up at me, staring, searching for something.

"It's Leonardo...I loathe him!" Max folded his arms as his face flushed, "A-And I feel...bad, for not telling you about him."

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to," I kissed his forehead as he sniffled.

"I want to tell you! I just-" his voice cracked, "-I cannot bear the thought of you leaving me."

"Max, I'm never going to leave you. It's physically impossible now." I tried to lighten the mood by teasing but his body tensed. "I just mean to say I'm not going anywhere."

Max spent the next thirty-minutes telling me everything. From his father's disappointment in his title to the arranged marriage, to Leonardo's intent. For once, I was angry. Max blamed his father's choices on himself, and Leonardo had been practically stalking Max for years. With everything going on, Max's temperament and distrust made sense.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner and-mmph!" His eyes widened as my lips crashed into his. All I wanted to do was numb the pain, soothe his struggles, and make him happy. His lips parted as he tightly clung to me. I peeked my eyes open to see his shut, his cheeks tinted pink and his moans quiet. His tongue danced with mine, gently wrapping around it as his hands tangled in my hair.

Breed-No! I can't go into a rut right now...

"Max-" I broke away, trying to calm my rapid breaths, "-I'm glad you told me."

"You...are not angry with me for omitting the truth?" He mumbled as he fidgeted with his sleeves.

"You have your reasons, and I respect them." I kissed his cheek as his ears turned red, "How could I ever be mad at someone so precious?"

"Precious?" His face flushed bright red, matching his ears.

"And cute, and snarky-"

"I am not snarky!" He rolled his eyes yet a smile crept onto his face.

"Fine, fine." I kissed his cheek, "What tasks do you need help with?"

"Well, the color parade is tomorrow and it's tradition that the current Lord lead it. Since Father is absent I'll have to take his place and that means you'll be by my side." Max sighed as he massaged his temples, "Since I'm an omega and the public is aware, I'll be forced to do the opening...dance. And I'll have to wear that awful ceremonial outfit!"

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