--- converse pt. 2 ; ♥♣️

222 6 5

--- angst, end fluffy

; request by ILOVEMUMMYCATS ; present for MidnightWritings125


chishiya tries
to make it up.


chishia was shaking on his bed, flooded with all the memories of their time together. the first time suguru came into the emergency room, how they started to get to know each other... he had always cared so much for the high schooler. suddently, he didn't understand his decision to leave him behind anymore. he jumped up, following the other out of the room. he vanished into another hallway, and chishiya followed him, up some stairs, until niragi opened the door to the roof and exited the building. for a moment, chishiya stayed there, in the staircase, before slowy pressing the handle down.

niragi sat, on the edge of the rooftop, looking down onto the pool. "what happened, during that time i was gone? where is that hopeful kid you were? you always saw the best in people. but now?" "that kid... is never coming back. it died the night you left me behind." chishiya bit his lips. "i'm truly sorry." a short silence arose. "... the way i understood it, the militants take care of the traitors and kill them. how... many people have you killed already?" he chuckled. "i stopped counting."
chishiyas breath shuttered.

"why? is this... really what you want?" he looked to the older. "it's exactly what i want. having power, and getting revenge on those stupid ass humans... sounds like a dream, doesn't it?" they exchanged looks. chishiya felt teleported back in time, when he saw the presence of the madness the first time. "i miss you.", he whispered back. niragi sighed. "you don't know how much i missed YOU, doctor." chishiya shook his head. "how do i make it up to you?" niragi laughed. "make it up?! there is nothing to make up anymore. i've left everything in the past. you being here won't change that."

he turned around, stepping a metre away. "as you said, i'm not the same anymore. i'm not that stupid teen from back then. i don't need you. i don't need ANYBODY." chishiya went two steps to wrap his arms around the other, burying his face in the others back. "l-let me go!", niragi whispered, his voice trembling. "i waited for you- at the hospital- for a whole year! waiting for you to come back... i was so stupid... and now you come and ruin EVERYTHING. i loved you. i adored you. so much."

tears fell down his cheeks. "a-and the worst part is-", he sobbed, "if you'd ask me to, i-i would forgive you." "sit down, suguru.", chishiya whispered. "let's talk this out." he followed chishiyas command, who kept gently stroking his sides. then he sat down in front of him, looking down onto the younger. "you know, i felt so horrible for being in love with you. i mean, you were seventeen... i was twenty-three. i felt like a pedophile..." "you told me you thought i was very mature.", niragi whispered. "you were. maybe that was part of the problem-you were forced to grow up too fast."

"you told me i would only love you because you were the only one showing me affection and that it wasn't real... but it was. i still love you, doctor." chishiya smiled softly. "let's try again, okay?" he laid two fingers under niragis chin and pushed his face up and their eyes met again. "can i kiss you?", he asked, almost silent. "yeah." and chishiya laid his lips on the youngers. a warmth engulfed them both, never felt before, as they finally got hold of what their hearts had longed for so long.

niragi pulled the doctor on his lap, holding him tightly. for a minute or two, nobody said anything, just enjoying the other's presence. "i can't believe i'm doing this-i promised myself i would never forgive you if i saw you again..." chishiya chuckled. "i understand. i won't leave you behind again." "promise?" "promise."

--- and then he burned him hehe ---

here you have your happy ending luv! Hope you enjoyed xx

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