--- party. ; ♥️♣️

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--- angst, fluff

; real world, self doubt, insecurity

; request by Thebadwolf16


Chishiya is invited to
Kuinas 21st birthday party.


I sat alone in my room, deciding what to wear. I was invited to Kuina's birthday party, and even though I was stressed immensely due to my work, I figured spending time with myü friends would help me a bit.

Suddently, my phone started ringing – Kuina called. I picked up. 'Yes, I'm on my way.' I just said.

'No! Don't hang up. Can you pick up Arisu on the way? His father refuses to give him ride because he doesn't have the time.' She sounded very stressed.

I sighed. 'I'm on my way.' I whispered and hang up. Ilooked around his room, where all of my clothes lay on the bed and floor. Kuina wanted us to come in something fancy, but I didn't own anything fancy.

So I just sticked to black sweatpants, a black t-shirt and a white nike jacket. Looking back at the time, I quickly rushed out of my apartment and down to my car.

After five minutes of driving, I was at Arisu's and watched the boy, that sat down on the stairs to their residence, excitedly come to the car and sat down next to me.

'Hey, Chishiya!' I needed to smile at his happiness.

'Hey.' I said taciturnly.

'You look tired.' Arisu commented. 'I am tired. I chuckled. 'Work?' I nodded. 'How's university going?'

So Arisu started talking about his university, and I drifted off, into my thoughts.

'Chishiya!' I suddently heard Arisu's terrified voice and jerked up, only to brake immediately. I almost crashed into a different car.

I leaned back, and tried to regain my composure, as I continued my way. 'You just – slept! For like a second!' Arisu said anxiously.

I nodded. 'Yeah.' Arisu continued to look at me, but I ignored him, trying not to fall asleep.

I was so damn tired, I hadn't even noticed before. But now it got harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

'I'm scared.' Arisu then said and I chuckled. 'Don't laugh! You almost killed us!' 'Believe me, I wouldn't dare to.'

I turned right and was now in the street where Kuina lived. I parked behind Niragis car, who seemed to be already there, and opened the door.

'Let's get out, will you?' I asked Arisu, who followed me wordlessly.

We stepped up the stairs, way too many for my liking and then, finally, stood in front of Kuinas door.

Arisu ringed, and the door got opened after a few seconds. 'Oh, you two are early.' Kuina seemed a bit out of breath, and her lipstick was smeared.

'Aww, come on, Chishiya. You could have at least searched for something a bit less homeless-like.' I giggled. 'Sorry.'

Suddently, Niragi stood behind her, looking down onto the two. His hair was a bit messy, and on his lips was a bit on Kuina's lipstick. 'Hi. Your lipstick isn't that good, Kuina.' He giggled.

Arisu widened his eyes. 'Did you two–' Niragi laughed and opened the door wider. 'Yup.'

'Huh, so you guys are a couple?!' Kuina started laughing. She had went into the bathroom to fix her makeup. 'No, we just like to fuck.'

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