--- space. ; ♥️♣️

334 2 7

--- angst, fluff (nishiya)

; suicidal thoughts & attempts, banda isn't a psychopath, niragi, banda & kuina are friends

; request by Thebadwolf16


Nishiya needs space. Or not?


'Can we go out today?' Niragi asked softly, massaging his boyfriends shoulders. 'I'm sorry, i'm just so tired. Maybe next week. Work is very stressful these days.' Niragi nodded. 'It's fine. I'll go out with Banda, okay? We haven't seen each other in a while.' Chishiya nodded. 'Have fun! I love you!' Niragi kissed him lovingly. 'I love you too.' He stood up and grabbed his jacket. 'When will you be back?' 'When do you want me to be back?' Chishiya shrugged. 'Around ten?' Niragi nodded and smiled. 'I'll be there. Don't wait for me, love. You need to rest.'

'Hey, you said last week that you would go out with me today?' 'I'm sorry, but the patient was longer here than planned. I still feel drained. Please don't be angry.' 'Of course I am not! I know working as a doctor is hard. I will go out with Banda instead, okay? I'm feeling like partying.' 'Okay, have fun! You'll be home around ten?'

'Shuntaro, can we—' 'Please, just leave me alone. I'm exhausted. You don't even know what that feels like, huh?'

'Where were you?!' 'Out with Banda.' 'The whole night?!' 'Yes. You wanted me to leave you alone, didn't you?'

'You went partying again?' 'Yes. I guessed you were too tired to have a nice evening with me.' 'But you didn't even ask!' 'The last time i went you told me I was lazy! I'm not your punching bag to let your emotions out.'

Chishiya woke up to laughing. Banda and Niragi sat in the living room and were interacting vividly. 'Thank you for being there, Banda.' Niragi said. Chishiya froze. Jealously bubbled up in him.'Of course.' Chishiya waited for a moment before opening the door, only to see Banda and Niragi shirtless on the couch.

'Oh, hello Chishiya.' Niragi said coldly, his eyes shooting lasers. Chishiya flinched. When was the last time Niragi had actually used his last name? Banda completely ignored him. Chishiya looked down and went into the kitchen. 'Oh, so your boyfriend isn't even worth a greeting anymore?'  he said with a menacing voice. Chishiya ignored it and made himself a coffee, only to hear Niragis fast steps behind him. he turned Chishiya around and pressed him against the counter. 'What do you want?' Chishiya asked emotionless. 'I want to know what the fuck is going on.'

'Nothing's going on! Everything is fine!' Chishiya snapped and turned around, but Niragi pulled him back. 'Don't fucking say you're jealous because of something you've caused! It is your fault that I'm hanging out more with other people!' 'Shut the fuck up, Banda's still here.' Anger stormed in both of their eyes. 'I sent him home.' Niragi grabbed Chishiyas face by the skin. 'Now, fucking talk. You say that you're working overtime for weeks now. You're cold and you don't even wanna cuddle anymore. Fucking tell me; are you cheating on me?' Chishiya widened his eyes and in the heat of the moment, he slapped Niragi.

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