Chapter Two

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                I entered the room accompanied by the clack of my heels. Today I'm crowned Queen of the Underworld, and everyone here looked at me like prey, but they didn't realize that I was the apex predator. No one could ever touch me, let alone scratch me. I have strength and power that are unparalleled. No one can even come close to the power I wielded, which enabled me to rule the underworld with an iron fist. I was the undisputed queen of the underworld, and no one could ever challenge me. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't. Not with the power I ultimately possess.

"I want to be clear. Don't get in my way, and be warned, my words will surely offend some people." I chuckled and said, "Who am I kidding? You'll all be offended by my words. I'll not let any of you intimidate me or harm me, my family, or any of my men. If you harm them, I'll send you to a fate worse than hell. The person who killed my sister will go to hell. Touch me, and I'll make sure you rot in hell. Betray me. You're better off burning in the pits of hell than suffering the torture I inflict on my victims. So you're either on my side or against me. If I were you, I'd choose very wisely, so give me a damn answer by the end of the day, and if you don't answer, let's just say I've got my ways of making you answer. Make your choice and let me know. My patience has its limits. Choose now. The consequences of your choice will depend on how you choose. Don't make a decision you'll regret later. Think carefully and choose wisely. Thanks for listening. I mean, it's not as if you had a choice. Adios, and of course, have a nice evening."

I stepped back from the stage, my voice cold as ice. My domineering tone and menacing look frightened everyone. They were all frightened, as they should be.

Aaron could be seen from a distance. He was staring at me; he was wearing a black suit similar to mine, while I was wearing a black off-the-shoulder long dress with my hair down and a black rose in my hair. He looked so handsome and was as dashing as ever. I brushed those thoughts aside as I remembered what he had done to me.

My childhood friend, Clara Harper, came to my side. She has been with me since I was in the orphanage. She knows me inside and out. With her, I'm an open book. She's the only person who makes me smile these days.

"I'm stunned," she said as she sipped her champagne.

"For what reason exactly?" I asked by raising one of my eyebrows.

"You said you'd kill whoever was responsible for your sister's demise. From what I remember, you detest her. Why did you say that?" All in all, she was right to be shocked.

"Who's to say that whoever killed that bitch wouldn't kill me too?"

"Kathy!" Clara said as she tentatively slapped me on the shoulder.

"What?" I asked, irritated and confused.

"She's dead; have some manners."

"I detest her," I said with a stoic expression.

"Anyway, you have to acknowledge the dead," she said when she was done with the champagne.

"All right, dead bitch. She was clumsy; that's why she bit the dust. I'll hunt down anyone who even tries to hurt me." I said it in my still-deadly voice.

"Calm down, tigress," Aaron said from behind me. Clara and I turned around.

"What do you need, Aaron?" Clara asked briskly, giving him a scowl.

"I need to talk to 'my ' tigress." He replied equally briskly.

"She's not yours, and she never was. You should get your ass far away from us."

"Clara, I'll be fine; let's just wait a moment," I said, still eyeing his stunning and ambiguous eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Indeed," I said, still looking into his eyes.

"As you wish," Clara said as she walked away.

"Thanks for that, butterfly." Aaron said, grinning a little.

"How many more nicknames are you going to give me? Can you stick with one at some point?" I said it briskly.

"How many different sides of you are you going to show me? And most importantly, how many times are you going to fascinate me with all those sides?" He said it, smirking.

"What do you want to talk about, Aaron?" I asked, overlooking his trivial questions.

"Oof, no bear this time?" he asked, looking hurt.

"Stop wasting time."

"You look stunning, Miss. Katherine Scarlett Warner!" Aaron said, and I suddenly felt hot. The way he said my name was so hot.

"You look as good as ever."

"You finally complimented me." He seemed pleased. Why was that? I've no idea.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"I just said I wanted to talk to you, Butterfly; I never said it was important."

"Seriously, another stupid nickname." I groaned in annoyance.

"Indeed, some things never change." Aaron laughed.

"You better believe it. They'll never change." I said it bitterly.

Aaron understood how I said that; he examined my eyes and said, "Katherine."

"What, Mr. Lawrence?"

"Dude, you made your entrance. Congratulations!" exclaimed Aaron's friend Jake Walter.

"Stop talking, please," said Aaron, glaring at Jake.

What on God's green earth?" "Dude, she must know, hmm, Miss. Katherine, we asked our boy Aaron to flatter you, and besides, the meeting you two had was also a bet, and we just had to check if you were flattered or not, and indeed you were."

As my gaze grew even colder, Aaron's eyes widened.

"Is that so, and who exactly did that thought belong to?"

"It was mine, of course!" Jake said it delightedly.

"So you were trying to trick me?" I intensified my eye contact with him as I inquired.

At that moment, I'd love to kill him, but I knew how to calm down, so I scowled at him.

"It was just a bet." Jake said as he swallowed hard. He was nervous and making it far too obvious.

A bet? Just a bet? These stupid bets were destroying my life.

"Say that again?" I raised my voice a little. Clara, hearing the change in atmosphere, came up to me. "What's going on?"

I continued to look at Aaron and his friend—more like stare at them. "The meetings Aaron and I had were apparently some kind of stupid bet."

Aaron's feelings were hard to understand, but his friend was horrified.

"We didn't mean-"

He was interrupted by a gunshot. I fired it. Missing the shot on purpose.

"Now you're going to say that you didn't mean to upset me, but guess what you just did."

"On what grounds would you say you were upset, firecracker?" Aaron grinned.

What the hell! I almost shot his friend, and yet he gives me these ridiculous nicknames. And this guy's ambivalence would definitely be the death of me.

"Answer me, firecracker."

"No one gets to play with me," I said, glaring at him. My eyes were filled with rage. For a split second, I thought he had changed, but no! He'd never changed in his whole goddamn life.

"So you admit you got screwed." Damn, he's got a way with words.

"Do you want to die?"

"Love, you can't kill me."

It was as if Aaron's friend had forgotten that I wanted to shoot him, because he looked at me with a sly grin. I've got to admit, he almost got me with his flattery.

"We're getting married!" Aaron said it out of nowhere.

What in the name of the devil?

"No words, little girl?" Aaron said, continuing to grin.

I hate him so much for that absurd grin on his face.

"I'll never marry a pompous ass." Aaron's friend turned away from me as I glared at him.

With a smirk on his face, he said, "That's why you're marrying me."

That grin bugs me. Oh, how I despise his grin. I can't stand his face. I hate his soul. I despise every little thing about him, period!

While maintaining my poker face, I reply, "I meant you, Mr. Aaron Lawrence."

"You can hate me all you want, but you'll regret ever meeting me."

"I can make your life hell if I want to. Remember, you're talking to the Mafia Queen and the Devil's Assassin herself." I said, walking toward him.

"Oh, tigress, I'm the fucking devil, and I'm ready to make you suffer."

Aaron grinned as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

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