Chapter Three

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I gasped. Clara and Aaron's friend rolled their eyes.

"What the hell! Let go of me. You creep!" I wiggled in his grip, causing him to hold me even tighter.

"Stop squirming, you're really not helping." Aaron said as he moved closer to my face.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked him, still trying to get away from him.

"Ahem." Clara cleared her throat.

Aaron and I looked at her.

"Clara." Aaron glared at her as she forcibly released me from his grip and held me protectively.

"Mr. Lawrence." Clara glared at him.

"Wait a minute guys, can someone please tell me what's going on?" Alex Archer, one of my friends asked us. He came at the right time, if he had come even a little later, there would have been a war between Aaron and Clara.

"Aaron is forcing Kathy." Said Clara, gritting her teeth.

"How is he forcing her?" Alex asked cluelessly.

"He's holding her without her consent."

"Aaron." Alex called him when Aaron stopped staring at Clara.

"Alex." He spoke coldly after taking a deep breath.

"Katherine, I need to talk to you about something important." Alex said as he pulled us away to a quieter place. Alex sighed heavily and spoke.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"You just threatened every mob member in this fucking party with death." Alex said angrily.

"So?" I said, not worried at all.

"You really know how to make enemies, and too fast." Alex scolded.

"Relax, no one would ever dare challenge me."

"We don't even know that."

"Alex, it's okay."

"Besides, what's going on with you two?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Aaron, why do you despise him?"

Alex doesn't know about the past, not because I don't trust him, I do, it's just that we've never really talked about it.

I sighed and asked, "Does it even matter?"

"Yes, Kathy, it does! So are you going to tell me or not?" Demanded Alex, and I had no choice but to reveal the past to him.


Four years ago 

James chase my abusive ex-boyfriend was a monster. He locked me up for days just because I came home late at night. He beats me when he's angry. He even tried to rape me but luckily I escaped that night. He scarred me and wounded me all over, he's a psychopath but he crossed a damn line when he tried to rape me again. Which he almost succeeded in doing so. I hit him with a vase and ran away from that horrible place. As I ran away from him, I bumped into someone who looked good and was friendly, but I learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving.

"Um...Mister can you please help me?" I asked the man in front of me.

"Yes, are you alright, miss?" His voice was low and hoarse. He sounded worried and he gently held me, sat me down on the nearby bench and looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'm running away from someone, but I don't have the strength to run anymore. Can you please take me somewhere far away from here?"

I asked him, hoping he'd help me. If he didn't, that monster would get his hands on me again.

"Yes, sure, miss." He said.

I was glad he had said yes.

"Katherine." I said.

"Aaron." he said in his angelic voice.

He seemed so hot and handsome. He's a fine man, he looked like a Greek god. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he held me so gently.

"Kathy, baby, you need a punishment."

My breath hitched as I turned to the voice. James looked at me with his dark gaze, and he glared at Aaron.

"Let her go, she's mine." James said, his veins popped out and made him look so scary. He looked vengeful.

"She doesn't want to be yours, nor does she want you near her." Aaron said as I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

"Kathy." James called after me.

I was shaking badly. Saying 'I was traumatized' would be an understatement.

"Mr. Lawrence, can you give me my girl back?" James grinned and looked at me.

My eyes widened. How does he know his name? What if Aaron helps him? I need to run away. But before I could run away Aaron started to hand me over to James.

"Please don't do this, why are you doing this to me? Just let me go, please." I pleaded with him, but he showed not an ounce of compassion for me.

He pushed me rudely toward James and said,"I want her to suffer."

"What have I ever done to you?" I yelled at him with pure rage in my eyes.

"You've done more damage than anyone." Aaron said as he turned to leave.

"No, please, help me, I can't go with him. Please!" My words came out as a whisper in the end.

James dragged me to his apartment, tortured me, raped me, and hurt me more every day. Luckily James left on a business trip. I ran away. and trained myself to be strong. I killed my emotions and feelings and buried my weak self deep inside. I still wonder if James just couldn't find me or if he wanted to do something drastic to punish me even more. I died every day I was with him. He made me face the worst possible torture and he broke me beyond repair.

Clara and Alex hugged me tight as they were crying too. Warm tears kept rolling down my cheeks but no emotion was seen in my eyes nor my face. The trauma I left behind came back to me, and it hit me tenfold.

I want to make Aaron suffer, I want to cause him pain, I want to cause him misery, and in the end I'll wipe out everyone who has ever wronged me. They'll all see who I really am.

"I'll kill him!" Said Alex, in whose eyes the anger was clearly visible. Alex is like a brother I wish I had when I was with James.

"Now isn't the time. He wants to marry me? Fine. I'll marry him. I'll show him how much I suffered. I'll make him regret ever being born." I knew what I was going to do.

"That's my girl." exclaimed Alex, but deep down he was worried.

"Slay, bestie." said Clara, hugging me tightly. She was afraid too. I can sense it, they both held worry and fear in their eyes, even though they tried not to show it, but I know them too much to be fooled.

They saw the look on my face which held no emotions. They are worried, they know exactly what I was capable of, they know the horror that I can cause, they fear that I will be lost never to be found again, they know that this is the quite before the storm.

You say you're the devil; you ain't seen nothing yet, Mr. Aaron Lawrence.

"You may be the devil, but I'm the true ruler of hell. The worst is yet to come."

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