Chapter Eight.

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                After Noah left, I turned to leave. I've to go to my room. I'll burst into tears at any moment. I must hurry, reflect and come back stronger.

"Who is he?" Aaron asked, poking his cheek with his tongue.

"My business partner, and not an idiot like you," I replied, holding back my tears.

"Why is your hand bleeding, Tigress?" Aaron sighed as he asked me with his eyes near my bleeding hand.

While suppressing my tears, I held my wounded wrist a little tighter. Who am I kidding? I held it much tighter, which caused the wound to open and the bleeding to begin.

"This is none of your business," I said coldly, avoiding his gaze.

"Look me straight in the eye, butterfly," Aaron said, this time in a softer voice. Again with those damn nicknames, but somehow I felt more comfortable with the tone of his voice. How I wish it were different.

I feel helpless; I've no idea why I even think about the guy who turned me over to a monster; I don't know why I can't see him in his distress; and I've no idea why I felt betrayed when I hated him so much or why I wanted to cry when I saw him with the girl grinning at me. I sighed. I felt thirsty. I saw water on the table. I dodged Aaron and went to the water and drank it. But something felt weird; it didn't taste like water. Why is my skin burning? Oh shit, no!

Blueberries!, Arghh, not again. I don't have allergy shots; I need my phone. Suddenly I fell, so this drink was also turned off. So what do I do now?

"Hey, what happened, butterfly?" Aaron held my hand and asked, concerned.

"Call the doctor," I somehow managed to say.

"Where's your phone?" Aaron was panicking. I pointed to my phone, but to my horror, he said it was turned off. So he ran to get his phone, which was upstairs.

I was gasping for breath when the girl Aaron was with came up and said, "Don't worry about it." Well, she seems nice and, "You're going to die soon." Ugh, what a bitch.

"Are you really so oblivious that you don't see that? Your dear husband was the one who tried to kill you." My eyes widened, but I managed to say "What!" "This is his house; nothing is allowed in the house without his permission, and if his wife has a blueberry allergy and he doesn't want her to die, why would he bring her in the house anyway?"

As much as I loathed agreeing with her, she was right. Aaron knows about my allergy even before he gave me a blueberry ice cream at the mall, so he wants to kill me.

I felt tears running down my cheeks, but I stubbornly wiped them away, stood up with all my might, and charged my phone. I felt like I was going to die, and I did. The moment my phone came on, I called my doctor and said "Blueberries," and that was it. I lost consciousness. The last thing I heard was Aaron calling my name.

When I woke up, bright light hit me in the eyes. I was in a hospital, and Aaron was asleep on the couch. I rolled my eyes and moved toward my sound. He woke up to my movements.

"Hey sugar plum, how are you?" He said as he gently stroked my hair. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. Would he ever stop calling me by these nicknames? Seriously, this guy is really indecisive.

He deserves an Oscar for his acting; how good he's at all this bullshit!

"Better, but now that I've seen you, I feel even worse," I said coldly, at which point Aaron withdrew his hand from my hair.

"Kathy! Oh, my dear devil, I came as soon as I heard, and I'm going to kill whoever tried to kill you," Clara said when she saw me.

"Well, that's not necessary." As I said this, Clara came to my side.

"What do you mean? Are you just going to let that damn bastard go?" Said Alex confused.

"No, I'm saying as soon as I feel better I'm going to torture him or her myself."

"Well, Kathy, you can leave that to us." Clara was worried - not about my health; she knows I'll get better; she was worried about my changed behavior; I was turning back into her.

"Kathy, please," Alex pleaded, but they didn't know that the Katherine they knew died the moment she faced all of this again. She died the moment she continued to cry; she died the moment the trauma came back to haunt her.

"I want to be alone, guys," I said coldly. They knew then that I was long gone, because I never spoke to them coldly, certainly not when I was well. My eyes showed no emotion at all.

"What are you talking about?" Aaron was clueless.

"Get him out of here," I said, closing my eyes again.

Clara and Alex sighed, and before they left, Clara kissed me on the forehead, and both of them drew Aaron out.

All I could see was the past haunting me - how he touched me, how he abused me - and I felt disgusted and dirty and wanted to skin myself. I used to hold back and feel sorry for people who wanted my downfall, but not anymore. I'm tired of being the weaker version of myself, and I'm done with all the trauma.

All I ever wanted was to feel like I belonged somewhere - a place I could call home. I wanted happiness and peace. Was that too much to ask or too much to hope for? What did I ever do to deserve this, anyway?

A single tear escaped my eyes as I thought of my miserable life, where there was nothing but a thirst for revenge and a longing for happiness and peace that were always out of reach for me.

I heard murmuring outside my room, so I went to the door trying not to make any noise, and that's when I heard Alex say

"Did you do that to her?"

"Are you kidding me?" Aaron retorted angrily.

"He didn't do it, I was with him Mr. Alex." What is this bitch doing here?

"Who are you?" Alex asked; his voice sounded so dismissive. I smiled slightly, because I know I'll always have her, but I just can't allow myself to be weak.

"I'm Josephine Harrington. Nice to meet you." Oh, so the bitch's name is Josephine. Well, it stinks to know that one of my favorite names was taken by a bitch.

"I don't care if you're Josephine Harrington or Steve Harrington; I asked you what you were to this idiot," Alex said. He sounded so cold and rude.

"I'm not an idiot!" Argued Aaron back.

"That's what they said," said Clara. The head bitch is here. I suspect she's leaning against the wall looking at her nails as she says this.

"Clara, will you please come here instead of looking at your beautiful nails while leaning against the wall?" Said Alex annoyed. He's told her too many times not to do that; he thinks it's a cheeky thing to do. And my hunch was right.

"I'm serious; I'm not an idiot," Aaron said. He really is a jerk.

"No one said you weren't serious; we just disagree with you when you say you're not an idiot," Alex explained.

"Stop calling me an idiot," Aaron said, sounding exasperated.

"Stop acting like a brat!" Clara yelled

"Whatever," Aaron said.

I laughed inside; it was so hard not to make a sound that I almost forgot I had been crying a moment ago. The key word here is "almost," because this shit never leaves me alone.

"Who would try to kill Katherine?" Aaron asked. He sounded genuinely concerned, but I learned the hard way not to believe people.

"That's the billion-dollar question: who would try to kill the devil's assassin herself?" Said Clara, unwittingly revealing one of my best-kept secrets.

"What! She killed the devil, you mean the most ruthless and dangerous mafia king ever!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Now you know why they call her the assassin of the devil." I felt Alex and Clara grin as I heard my dearest little sister, Aurora Warner, speak.

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