Chapter Six

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"See, I told you it was him," said one of these idiots.

"Oh, shut up, Peter." The guy who spoke earlier was Peter.

"Whatever, Liam, let's just get this over with." These two are really idiots.

They both pulled the covers down just to get the shock of their lives. I pointed my gun at them with one hand and held my knife with the other.

"Hey, bitches!"

"Oh my goodness! What is she doing here?" Oh, so that's Liam.

"I don't know; the guy never lets anyone in his room." Well, Peter seems to know that this is Aaron's room, while I, his own damn wife, don't.

"You're both idiots," I said as I looked at the two of them in disbelief and rolled my eyes.

"Let's just kill them and get this shit over with," Liam said as he walked towards me.

"Not so fast, asshole," I said, shooting him a knee. "You bitch," he groaned in pain. "Watch your mouth; you're facing a fucking queen," I said, staring at him with a death glare as Peter shook with fear, seeing the look on my face.

"Your death will be near you, little bitch; you're nothing but a fucking whore." I shot him and stabbed him before he could finish his sentence.

"I warned you about that mouth, so what are we going to do with you now?", I said as I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs and playing with my gun.

"Miss, please forgive me," Peter said, stammering.

"Tell me who sent you, and maybe I'll forgive you," I said coldly.

"James Chase sent me to kill Aaron and his new bride," Peter said as he trembled in fear, and my eyes darkened when I heard that monster's name.

"Do you even know who his bride is?", I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, we thought..."

"What did you think?"

"To ask"

"To ask?"

"Mr. Aaron"

"And you thought he'd tell you who she was?"

"We heard that he hates her and wants her dead."

"You heard!"

My anger was at its peak, but somehow I had it under control. I need to get more information on James so I can finally catch this son of a bitch.

"I'm sorry," he said, backing away.

I walked up to him as he froze in fear.

"I'm his bride, Mr. Peter."

"I'm sorry, I had no idea, but how do you know my name?" He seemed shocked. Seriously, this brainless bastard sent two idiots with no brains to kill the mafia queen and king. What the hell is wrong with him?

"You two have been talking, and I've got ears," I said expressionlessly.


"Do you know what else he's up to?"

"I've no idea; please show me..." I shot him; he was as good as dead. Mr. Peter here has no idea what James is up to. I wonder what's going on in this bastard's mind.

"What the hell is going on?" Aaron roared when he saw two dead bodies.

"It took you long enough," I said as I looked at my nails and sat down on the bed with my legs crossed.

"Why did you kill them? Those were my men you bit."

"Complete that sentence, and I'll inflict the worst pain on you," I said angrily.

"What are you going to do? Hmph! Kill me?" Aaron scoffed

"They were going to kill you on the orders of James Chase; remember the man you betrayed me to?"

"Oh, come on, you're just making up a fairy tale, and that was years ago, and besides..."

"I don't want to listen to your bullshit; what I said is the truth; whether you trust me or not, I don't give a shit."

"Get out of my room."

"Like I'm dying to be here with you."

"Then go"

I stood up and said:

"You challenge the ruler of hell, Mr. Aaron Lawernce."

"You may be the ruler of hell, Tigress, but I'm the fucking devil."

"What good is it for you to be the devil if you can't even figure out who is a traitor and who isn't?" I scoffed as I walked out.

"You do realize you're challenging the devil, don't you, Butterfly?"

"Enough with the nicknames.

"This is just the beginning, Sugarlips."

"You just gave me three nicknames in less than three minutes; you really are crazy."

"Oh, so you remember everything I say? That's good to hear."

"Why would it be good to hear you hate me?"

The silence was all I heard. I turned around and saw Aaron standing at the window, staring outside. He didn't answer; I wonder why. I sighed and made my way to the room next to Aaron's.

He was acting weird; he hates me, but he pretends he doesn't. I don't know if it's because of the thing he was talking about in the call or because he's actually worried; whatever it is, I don't care about him; I was just fighting with these idiots for the information and my safety, right? Yeah, that's why I did that.

"I hate my life; I hate myself; I hate my thoughts; I'm sick of this shit," I moaned out loud. I'm sure it's Aaron.

"Man, this guy just can't make up his mind." I sighed and stared at the ceiling as thoughts flashed through my head, worrying me.

My life is so messed up. My birth parents died, and my adoptive parents always saw me as leverage. At first, they used me to get a deal with James, but then I made the stupid decision to love him, and when I did, all I got was betrayal, trauma, and endless suffering. And then they decide to make me a mafia queen, which I never wished for, and then marry me off to this pompous ass who just wants to hurt me. I've no idea why he wants to hurt me; what did I do to deserve this shit? All he and I feel for each other is distrust and hatred; there is no love, no caring, or even basic human instincts for each other.

Tears flowed like a fucking waterfall from my eyes. I cried continuously without making a sound. I'm depressed, broken, and used. Everyone used me for their own benefit; no one in this damn world cares about me, and even though I tried to die, I couldn't. I tried to let myself bleed out, but the universe doesn't want me to die. The worst part is that trying to bleed myself soon became an addiction. Every time I cry, like today, I cut my hand until I'm satisfied with the amount of blood I'm losing.

I do this whenever I feel bad, like today. I stopped writing because I had no energy left, but instead, I keep doing this. Like today, I get a cut every time I cry. Each cut on my hand symbolizes a sad moment in my life.

I cut myself and felt no pain. What I felt was nothing compared to the pain my soul, heart, and mind felt. The mental stress, pressure, and constant need for peace and happiness without being able to achieve them were killing me every day. I was dying every day, both emotionally and mentally. The pain my body felt is absolutely nothing compared to this shit.

When will this damn pain ever end? I wish I could be happy and at peace. I cried some more and fell asleep while my arm was still bleeding.

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