Chapter Sixteen.

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I screamed my lungs out the moment I saw who was sleeping next to me—Aaron freaking Lawrence. As far as I could remember, I was in my mansion, and I didn't let him in. He woke up and looked perplexed when he heard me scream.

"What the actual hell are you doing here?" I asked him—more like yelled at him.

"We need to talk." He said it coldly, and his expression gave me a hint that it was important and I could be mad at him later, so I stayed silent and nodded my head, indicating he should continue.

"I am sorry," Aaron said as his eyes got teary. I was bewildered. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" My voice was still cold as I somehow got the clue that I would soon regret having this conversation with him.

"Do you know why I gave you to James? Do you want to know why I threw you under the bus? Do you wish to know why I wanted to make your life a nightmare?" Aaron asked while looking dead straight into my eyes. As I did the same, his eyes showed guilt, regret, and pain. But why? Why was he trying to explain this now, of all times?

"Actually, no, and I don't care anymore, Aaron, so you can leave right now," I said coldly, but deep down I wanted to know why he did that, why he made me suffer when I did absolutely nothing wrong. Deep down, I wanted him to force me to listen, but the pain, the suffering, and the betrayal controlled me. Everything everyone did to me tore me apart, broke me, and fucked me up every single fucking day.

"No, you have to listen." Aaron took a deep breath as he continued "I had a sister, Her name was Lorraine Lawrence, My parents died when I was just 14 years old, during an attack both my parents were brutally murdered right in front of my eyes, and that incident changed everything, my parents grew me and my sister far away from this mafia world, but that incident turned me into a cold blooded killer, that one incident made me heartless, I only had a soft spot for my sister, everything was going good, I avenged my parents, I was finally at peace, but one day i got a video from someone anonymous, where you were torturing my sister brutally and at the end killed her by burning her alive and I know what you would say, no I am not an idiot to believe some random video, but then I started to dig around and all the routes pointed towards you, and blinded by rage, sadness, and the loss of my sister, I was hell-driven on making you suffer and that's when I found you running away from James, just before that I got a call from him, he asked me to help him catch you, and taking that as an opportunity, I left you to suffer, but no i realize how badly I fucked up. How badly I hurt you and how stupid I actually am, when you told me you were Lucine, the mafia queen, I digged around a bit, and that's when the truth hit me like a truck. You helped my sister, but at that time even you weren't able to help her, and I know you were the one who killed the real assassin who killed my sister. I found that out yesterday night after you left. One of my men found that asshole's brother, and he revealed everything. I am so sorry. I know that my sorry would never make things better, but please, just let's be friends. Aaron explained everything, and as things finally started to make sense, I never knew Aaron had a sister, and everyone who works for me has an alias, so I never suspected anything, and I killed that asshole because Lorraine was loyal to me. I never personally met her, but she was said to be kind and loyal. And what was more shocking is the fact that Aaron is crying in front of me right now, which was odd, even though he had every reason to do this, and that justifies things, but the pain and everything I went through just refuse to let him off the hook, and who said I would? He wants to be friends; fine, I will give him a chance, but one wrong move and he is dead.

"I will give you one last chance; if you disappoint me, you know what your fate will be," I coldly stated as he kept sobbing. I couldn't help but hug him and console him; I knew he needed a shoulder to cry on.

Aaron slept beside me. After being so tired from all that crying and stuff, even though I feel sad for him and somehow, for some odd reason, want to be there for him, assure him, and give him all the care and love he needs, I stop myself from feeling anything, as at this point, I am afraid of what would happen if I did feel anything for anyone.

I don't know what I am feeling for him; I have no idea what this is; I have no idea why I want to make him feel better when all he has done is make me feel horrible and make me suffer the worst kinds of hell; but still, deep down, no matter how much I deny it, no matter how badly I wish it was not true, no matter how badly I wish to conceal it, it just keeps getting harder day by day.

I fell in love with him; I fell in love with the guy who made me face the worst hell; I fell in love with a guy who is very capable of hurting me more than anyone; I fell for the guy who once hated me; I fell in love with Aaron Lawrence. I smiled truly as I looked at the sleeping angel on my bed; he was looking breathtaking. After such a long time, a smile made its way onto my face without any effort.

I know he would hurt me, but it's worth it. I finally found my safe space, my comfort zone, my happiness, and my peace, and I won't let anyone take it away from me.

This happiness belongs to me, and I sure as hell deserve it. He belongs to me; he is mine. Aaron Lawrence is mine. And if he doesn't want me, I would happily let him live with his loved ones, but I would not live to see another day. As losing everything once again is something I am not strong enough to go through.

I'd Be damned if I lost him.

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