Chapter Thirteen.

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Aaron was packing his things while Josephine was clinging onto him, asking him to let her come with us. Well, to be frank and open, she was quite literally begging him. I was so annoyed with her, and Aaron was not paying her any attention and kept doing his thing. But what pissed me off is that he said yes to her after he was done packing, which made me scoff and leave for my room.

"Hey Firecracker!" Aaron gave me a smile, but I didn't let that addictive smile blind me anymore.

"Stop calling me that," I coldly said as I moved towards my car.

"And we are back to square one, folks," Aaron sighed as he spoke to himself. But I heard him.

"Baby boo, how are we going to the airport?" Josephine asked Aaron right after she pecked his lips, which honestly pissed the crap out of me.

"Oh, we are going to fly there with our wings, miss. josephine " I couldn't help but laugh out loud at Aaron's sarcastic remark.

"Huh!" Josephine looked at Aaron, confused.

Gosh, this girl is so clueless and dumb; I swear to the devil she is the dumbest creature on earth.

"Just get in the car." Aaron sighed.

If he is so annoyed with her, then why would he even be with her? This guy is just so darn indecisive.

Aaron and Josephine left for the airport before me in Aaron's car. He waited for me to leave, but I was just standing there near my car, not moving an inch. I guess he got the hint and left. I was waiting for Clara to come; she said she had something to give me. After what felt like forever, she finally came.

"I am so sorry, my love," Clara said the moment she got out of her car.

"Whatever, I am still mad at you, but I do need to catch a damn flight in less than 20 minutes, so you better hurry," I said coldly while glaring at her.

"Don't you have a private flight?" Clara said this while being confused.

"My question exactly," I replied, which made her give me her most confused, cute-looking look. "Gosh, I can't

"What?" she asked.

"Mr. Warner, aka my adoptive dad, wanted us both to go and have a so-called normal honeymoon," I replied.

"That makes no sense." Clara replied while I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Yeah, well, life doesn't make sense, so you better hurry; I need to go."

"Mah, girl, I gave you the fastest car, and now you know why." She flipped her hair. Gosh, I can't be with her anymore.

"So that I don't always have to be late because of your lazy ass."

"Exactly," Clara said, giving me a smile. And handed me a necklace. I looked at her, confused. Why is she giving me this? Oh no, please tell me this is not what I think it is.

"I found it." She looked at me with a proud look on her face.

"My mom's necklace," I replied, my voice cracking at the end. Tears left my eyes as I hugged the necklace, and Clara hugged me when she saw me shed tears.

"Alex is finding the people responsible for your parents deaths; don't worry, we will find those a-rated assholes," Clara said while comforting me. "Now go or you will be late," she said as I chucked and said, "Gosh, you have no idea how lucky I am to have you; I love you, babe." At last I winked as I kept my sunglasses on and left for the airport, and thank the devil I was right on time, only to find out that Aaron refused to go with people and demanded a private jet, and my adopted father agreed. Gosh, so I came here this fast for no use? When I entered the flight, I saw Josephine looking as if she were the damn boss. Gosh, this bitch certainly has a death wish.

"Hey, miss. "Unwanted," Josephine said, no one knows how badly I am controlling my anger right now. Where is that pompous ass?

"Are you sure you are not talking about yourself?" I replied while folding my hands.

"No one wants you here, so why don't you just leave?" Josephine, I had absolutely no time or energy to spend with her, so I just sat down and took out my favorite novel and started reading it, when again she said, "Aww, you're awfully silent; you've got no words to speak?"

"I don't waste my time talking to people like you," I stated just as I saw Aaron standing near us with a smirk on his face. Like, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Honestly, it's so damn annoying and exhausting to even think about him.

"What baby-" Josephine was cut off by Aaron, saying, "For saint's sake, stop calling me that; I have a damn name, and it's Aaron Lawrence, ladies."

Gosh, the way he said his name just gave me chills. Ah, what the heck am I thinking right now? Have I finally lost it? This shit is officially getting on my nerves.

"You, Mrs. Kathleen Lawrence, are looking annoyed; may I know why?" Aaron asked as he leaned on the bar counter.

"Is that even a question?" I asked, stating the obvious.

"But I haven't even said a thing, Firecracker." Aaron smirked; he knew his presence was beginning to bother me. There is this unusual tension between us that I can't seem to shake off.

To make all of this worse, Aaron started to come near me, and he bent to my level and whispered in my ears with his husky voice, "For what it's worth, you are looking fucking hot, Sugar."

The way he said "sugar" gave me goosebumps, and I felt hot all of a sudden. He did call me that before, but this time it just felt weird.

"Why are you sweating, sugar? Even though the air conditioner is turned on," Aaron said, taking a pause as I looked at him. "Or are you sweating because you are turned on?" I hate the fact that he looks so freaking hot right now.

"It's nothing, Aaron," I said as I looked away from his intense gaze, which was piercing through my soul and making me lose what was left of my sanity.

"Oh fuck, my name sounds so fucking good when it comes out of your mouth. You make me crazy for you," Aaron said as I decided to play back this time.

"Oh, really, then what are you going to do about it, huh?" I said this as I came closer to him, almost touching his kissable lips.

"I am still here, breathing, and alive," Josephine said, annoyance clearly present in her voice.

"And right now, I honestly wish you weren't." I stated this because Aaron chuckled as he moved back and kissed Josephine.

What the actual fuck? Oh, of course, what should I ever expect from him? I rolled my eyes and started reading my book again.

Aaron kept glancing at me from time to time, and I just kept ignoring him, even though I was catching secret glances at him.

Absolutely no one can disagree with me on this. He is absolutely perfect; his jawline, his blue eyes, his kissable lips, his hair, his body—everything just makes my sanity vanish.

"Aaron," Josephine called him.

"Yes, Babe," Aaron replied as he looked at me and caught me looking at him as I immediately looked away, which made him smirk.

Babe! Seriously, eww, honestly, I want to kill this guy. Why the hell am I feeling so damn jealous right now? I hate him. It's annoying how I always have to remind myself that we hate each other. And for a really good reason. Why do I feel like I should just put all my anger, ego, revenge, and this façade locked up in a box and throw them deep inside the ocean and just do what my heart tells me? But it's so hard at the same time. I don't have the energy to get betrayed once again; I don't have the energy to be in that pain once again, and I cannot allow myself to go through all of that again.

It looks like I just have to ignore all of this and focus on the ultimate goal, 'Revenge," and ignore them and try to enjoy this damned trip, which also happened to be my honeymoon.

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