Chapter Nineteen.

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"Damn, sugar, never have I ever thought that you would be this dominant," He said as he pulled me closer to him.

"What did you expect, Lawrence?" I said this as I pulled him by the collar. I kept looking at his eyes; his eyes were so captive!

"That's illegal, Mrs. Lawrence." "What is?" Internally, I was dying when he called me by his last name. Damn, this man is good with his words.

"Seducing me by calling my last name," He replied while his eyes were stuck on my lips as I licked them, and he immediately pulled me into a steamy kiss.

But I pulled him out of the kiss and said, "Didn't I ask you to beg me for it?" "Sugar, you are making me want you more; please, sugar." He finally gave in. I was about to kiss him, but my phone rang, and Aaron groaned and whined like a little kid who just lost his candy. I chuckled as I spoke on the phone.

"What alex?" "You better get your ass over to our secret mansion." My eyes darkened because we only go there if it's really important.

"On my way right now," I said as I cut the call, only to see a whiny, worried, and cute little Aaron looking at me, which made me coo at his cuteness.

"Why do you have to go? Can't you send some of your stupid men?" He whined, which made me cup his cheeks and kiss his forehead, and said, Bear, I have to go; it's important, and those stupid men help us, so respect them okay! And I love you, bear; I really do. I will see you later, then bye." As I was about to go, Aaron held my hand and said, "Never say bye; I hate it when you say it." His voice suddenly changed to an intimidating one, which made me blush as my throat ran dry. This man makes my knees weak and makes me feel so good.

Fine, fine, I won't; I will you later, Mi amour."

"Yes, sugar, but you better be quick."

I chuckled and left.

Finally, things are looking up.

I Reached the mansion after an hour's drive. The moment I walked inside, a slap landed on my face, and I was so fucking pissed at who the fuck dares to slap me, but the moment I saw the person's face, I froze at my spot, and that's when I saw Alex and Clara looking shocked, but I can clearly tell that they were shocked because she slapped me and not because she was here, in the living world, alive, and breathing like I am.

My sister is alive. Selene Warner is fucking alive.

The actual fucking horse-shit is this.

"Shocked to see me, you little bitch!" Selene roared at me, but I was still too stunned to speak; I was still processing the fact that she was fucking alive.

"How are you?" Alive," She said, cutting me off.

"I was never dead; I only did that because I needed a fucking break and there were powerful people after me."

Gosh, this bitch sounds so pathetic; she is the fucking mafia queen, she is scared of people being after her, and what does she need a fucking break from her damned life?

Arghhh, this fuck-faced whore just ruined my entire fucking day.

"Then why the fuck are you back now?" I said coldly. I was done with this fucking bullshit.

"I am here to claim what's mine back," she said while trying to intimidate me, but little does she know that I have changed so much since I last met her.

"What was once yours, but not anymore?"

"I will take it back so fast you won't even have time to think about it."

"I would like to watch you try," I said as I gave her a sarcastic laugh.

"And little sissy, I will also be snatching him from you too."

"Let's not say what we both know you can never do."

"You little~" She raised her hand to hit me, but I was quick enough to twist her hand and give her what she gave me.

"Touch me once." I twisted her hand even more as she yelled more." I twisted her hand even harder. "In time, I will make sure hell reigns on earth."

I harshly let go of her as she fell to the ground, holding her hand. I looked at Alex and Clara and smirked.

"She came in the morning and started throwing tantrums; we have no idea how she knows this place, and we couldn't handle the little bitch," Alex said while glaring at Selene.

"Lock her up in the basement and feed her any insects we have, and give her spoiled water; let this little slut rot there," I said coldly while Selene widened her eyes and was so shocked.

Clara and Alex nodded, and I signaled my men to drag her ass to the basement.

She kept protesting, but I didn't give a rat's ass about those protests.

How the fuck did this whore know the location of my secret mansion?

"I am guessing that's not the only reason you called me here," I asked as soon as that bitch was out of sight.

"We were waiting for that annoying ass to leave," Clara said.

"Hmm continue"

"We found James," Alex said, but his next words made me stunned again. "He wants to talk; he deliberately got caught; we all know he isn't that dumb to make his location known; he may be planning something."

"Whatever he is planning, we must be one step ahead. I will show him what hell as a person would look like; he must know he's messing with the wrong person," I said as I was burning with rage and anger.

"But you must be careful," Clara said, while everyone could clearly see she was worried to death because she knows what happened and she knows it's hard for me to do this.

"I will be."

Clara, I am with her; don't worry about it, okay?" Alex smiled at her. The fuck

Whoa, whoa, hold on a minute, what are you two?"

Well, Kathy, we are in love," Clara excitedly said, as I was stunned for the third time today and I was still processing, and she started to panic.

"Hey Kathy, Are you okay? I am so sorry.

"Why would I not be okay, you idiot? I am happy for you both, and I must say I did not see that coming. Damn, a lot happened today," I said the moment I came back to my senses.

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