Chapter Four

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"What?!" I cried out when I heard the news. I woke up to a call from Alex. He just told me that my wedding's in four days.

I'm pretty sure this whole thing was planned by the crazy man. I hate him more and more every day. The wedding plan was arranged by both sides of the family even before I came to know it. It would have happened with or without my consent. That's how mafia weddings work. To form these weird ass connections between two powerful families.

How am I supposed to get everything wrapped up in just four days, and what about the dress and the venue? Even after all the shit I've endured I still wanted my wedding to be perfect, to be happy and to marry the man I love. Look at where fate has taken me and in the end we're going to get divorced after a year anyway.

All this happened for an alliance between Aaron and I to take out a mafia that has been targeting our group for 5 years. Since my sister Selene Warner died. I had to marry him. But Mr. and Mrs. Warner said that Aaron asked me to marry him even before my sister died. So now I'm even more sure that he's only doing this to make me suffer. I regret agreeing to marry him. What was I getting myself into?

I sighed heavily as I got ready to buy my damn wedding dress. 

After I had run from James, I met Aaron again. We became close, he taught me to be strong. I was only with him to get my revenge and answers. But I got involved with him only to find out that he was going to send me back to James. So I ran away, I went far away and started my own company. I became strong. No one knew of this side of the story.

When I turned 25, I wanted to reveal my identity to the world, but the universe had other plans. I was made a mafia queen, and now I'm going to get married. This will either be a blessing or a great disaster that'll eventually become a lesson.

I had to wait for about an hour for him to finally pick me up. I was so annoyed and angry.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at him as he walked up.

"Stop yelling and get in the car, Sugarlips." Aaron said calmly.

I groaned and got in the car as we drove off to buy a wedding dress.

It had been four freaking hours since we arrived. Aaron had something to say about every single dress. I was annoyed, tired, and exhausted.

"Make up your mind, you idiot!" I yelled as the employees stopped giggling when I gave them a look.

Oh, hell, this is so embarrassing.

"Nothing here is good enough for you. Is this really my fault?" He shrugged as I groaned loudly and went to try on another dress.

We finally found "the dress" Aaron was happy with it, but I always wanted to wear all black for my wedding. I've no idea why he's actually making me wear a white dress to a mob wedding. Anyway, I'm too tired to think about it right now.

That pompous ass didn't even ask my opinion about his suit. He's the most annoying person on the fucking planet.

"Hey, butterfly, want some?" he asked, offering me an ice cream.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I was ravenous.

But my world came crashing down when I found out what flavor it was.


I was deathly allergic to them.

Aaron saw the look on my face and asked me, "What happened? Why do you look like you're about to die?" He laughed, but the laughter quickly died down when I said.

"I'm allergic to blueberries, genius, so yes, I'm going to die if I don't get my allergy shot soon." I said calmly.

"Where's that damn allergy shot?" Aaron panicked.

"I don't have it with me. It's at my house." My voice sounded so calm and cold.

"Why are you so calm? You're going to die." He was so worried and panicked.

"And what if I die? You wanted me to die, didn't you? So what?" I said and started walking as if nothing happened, but only I knew I was panicking inside.

"If you die, the alliance dies, and I can't let that happen." he yelled at me.

So that was what he was worried about. Honestly, I expect way too much from this guy.

"Get lost, Aaron." I said as I made my way to the washroom. Of course I have my allergy shot with me. I'm not an idiot like this guy. I just wanted to know how he would act.  All he cares about is this stupid alliance.

"There's no way I'm letting you go." Aaron tried to hold my hand, but I kept yanking it away.

Finally, I reached the washroom and panicked. I took out my allergy shot and felt so damn good, but I need to see a doctor because it's almost too late.

"Are you crazy?" Aaron shouted when he saw me.

"What?" I said it coldly and annoyed.

"You could die."

"Relax, I took my allergy shot."

"What, how?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"I had it on me the whole time."

"So I was worried for nothing."

"No, you were worried about that stupid alliance."

I said expressionlessly.

Aaron understood that I was testing him and coldly replied, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

"No, you can go."

"How are you going to go home? We came together, Miss Genius," he said with clear sarcasm in his voice.

"I already called my people to get me a damn car, Mister Jerk," I said with a fake smile.

"You little..."

"I'm off, have fun, Mister Dumbo," I said, winking playfully at him as I turned and walked away.

"That girl..." he said shaking his head and smiling a little.

He didn't notice, but I watched him smile. I wonder what that smile was about. But that's all I can do at the moment, wonder.

It was exhausting, pretending to care, to fake my smile, to even breathe the same air as him. It's so sickening. I turned around to see if he was truly smiling or faking it. He was faking it, he looked so pissed and annoyed.

I pretended nothing happened, because the worst pain comes when we're betrayed by someone we really love and trust. I'll make him love and trust me, and then I'll leave him alone and helpless, like he did with me. That's what I plan to do.

I still haven't forgotten the pain he caused me, the suffering I endured, and the scars no one has seen. I'll take revenge. 

I didn't leave yet. I hid behind the wall as he answered a call.

"Yes, of course she was fooled by my charm." Aaron smirked.

I couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

"I will break her more than anything, she was smiling like a fool." Aaron said with a proud look on his face.

Disgusting. I wasn't smiling like a fool and besides he will soon enough see who is fooling whom here. Mr. Aaron Lawrence, your time on this goddamn planet is going to end soon enough.

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