Chapter Seven

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The next day, I woke up with a throbbing pain in my wrist. I groaned as I held my wrist. Man, this shit hurts so bad after a while. But I knew I had messed up when I saw the time. It's 10:30. I'm totally late, shit! Hell no! I rushed to the bathroom, ignoring the pain I was feeling both emotionally and physically, and got ready to go to my office. I've got a very important meeting today with Noah Kendrick, one of the most successful businessmen. I should be there in the next 10 minutes, which is literally impossible, but I've got to make the impossible possible if I need the deal, so I wore a black crop t-shirt with a skin-colored coat and skin-colored skinny jeans. I let my hair down; I've absolutely no time; I need to be there in T-minus 2 minutes, and with this traffic, that is absolutely not possible. Still, I had to try, so I hurried down the stairs, only to see Aaron making breakfast.

"Hey, Tigress, I'm making breakfast right now; come sit down; it'll be ready in a few minutes." Aaron beamed at me.

"Not now, Aaron; I don't have the time or interest to play you anything; I've got to hurry," I said as I got my shoes on, grabbed my car keys, and hurried out before he could say a word.

"Eat when you're done working!" Aaron yelled.

I shook my head. And I raced to my office. It was already 10:50. I'm 10 minutes late, damn it!

I bumped into someone and groaned as I fell.

"What the..." I was about to curse the person, but my eyes widened when I saw the man in front of me. It was Mr. Kendrick. Oh great, so that's the damn first impression I make, the messy and tardy CEO. I wish the earth could swallow me up right now.

"Hello, beautiful, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," Noah said. Aaron calls me by nicknames too, but I've got to admit they're better. I smiled slightly, but then reality hit me like a truck. What the hell! Why am I even thinking about that pompous ass? Argh, I hate him so much.

"Um, miss," "Are you okay?" Noah asked again, not getting an answer from me since I was still on the floor. Aaron had asked me the same thing before handing me over to that monster, James.

My eyes darkened at this thought: "What am I doing here anyway? I sighed as I stood up. My secretary rushed up to me and asked, "Miss. Katherine, are you all right?"

"Oh, so you're the pretty lady I was supposed to meet fifteen minutes ago."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kendrick, I wasn't feeling well today, but now that I'm here, can you give me more time to propose my business?" I spoke coldly with my poker face.

"Well, can we have this conversation at a coffee store nearby? I need a coffee badly," he asked, smiling slightly. His voice was angelic, and he looked ethereal, just like Aaron. Wait what! What happened to me today? Why do I have to keep thinking about him? I hate him. He caused me so much pain.

"We have coffee here," I said without the slightest expression on my face.

"So, I'm in the mood for this coffee; can we go there?"

I sighed and said, "Yes, Mr. Kendrick, we can." This guy is relentless. I know someone even more relentless than him. I shook my head and had to chuckle.

"Why are you laughing, Miss Katherine?" Noah asked me, dumbfounded.

"Nothing, Mr. Kenrick." I made another expressionless face, and my voice was cold as I hid it all. Something is definitely wrong with me.

"Please call me Noah; I insist," he asked me.

"Sure Noah"

"Well, Katherine, shall we go then?"

"Yes, of course, lead the way."

We both walked into the coffee store while we talked about the deal. Noah was impressed, and he liked the proposal. As we shook hands, I smiled slightly, but then I saw Aaron looking at me. He had roses in his hands. What was he doing here?

"Miss. Katherine, is everything okay?" Noah saw that I wasn't paying attention.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to go," I said the moment I saw Aaron Strom driving away in his car. I had to let him know that this was nothing; something inside me told me to listen to what he had to say. I don't know why.

"Please let me drop you off."

"No, I'll be fine; I can handle it."

"I insist, Katherine."

"Good." I knew he wasn't going to let go.

When I arrived home, I rushed inside to find my so-called dear husband kissing a girl. He broke off the kiss when he saw me and said without any emotion, "You're home early."

"What do you think you're doing?" I said, but all that came out was a whisper.

I was on the verge of crying. I can't believe he'd do something like that, but we hate each other, and it was a fucking contract marriage, so I can't really do anything. What pissed me off the most was the fact that I wanted to cry. I felt betrayed and sad, and my life was dark. Not that it wasn't before, but now it's getting darker. It's like someone keeps throwing me into these dark pits that I can't find my way out of.

"What do you care about what I do? This is my house, and I can do what I want," he said coldly.

"Yes, you're right; it's your house, and I don't care; do what you want."

"Miss. Katherine, are you all right?" I asked Noah anxiously.

"Miss?" Asked Aaron, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Miss." Focusing more on the word "miss, I turned to Noah and said, "Yes, I'm, and I'll meet you later, Mr. Noah."

"I thought we were past those formalities."

"We're." I smiled a little, but I knew it wasn't genuine. I was dying inside.

 The past was coming back to me. History was repeating itself. James had cheated on me before; he had broken me; he had used me. I only loved him, and now, even though I don't love Aaron, he has betrayed me.

 I guess I'll never find true happiness in my life......

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