Chapter Fifteen.

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Aaron was avoiding my eyes; he said he wanted to talk but was not saying anything.

"Aaron, are you okay?" I asked, concerned about him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Aaron said, looking into my eyes.

"You said you wanted to say something?" I asked him, curious about what he wanted to talk to me about.

"What did you mean when you kept telling yourself that you hated me for too long?" Aaron asked me while again avoiding my gaze.

"I meant for us to be friends and put the past where it belongs—in the past," I answered as I held his soft cheeks and made him look at me.

"Friends? Us?" Aaron asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, friends, why can't we be friends?" I asked coldly.

"Oh, we can be." Aaron passed me a smile and continued, "About the past, we need to talk, like right now. Are you okay with that?" He asked while touching my hand, which gave me a tingling sensation in my stomach. Why the heck am I feeling like this? And even he seems nervous about it.

"Umm, yeah, sure," I stuttered. This time, I was the one who looked away. For some reason, I felt hurt, but this is what I want: to not hold the past against him anymore. Isn't it?

"Aaron, oh my gosh, come here fast!" Josephine shrieked as Aaron rushed toward her. When he left like that, I hated it. What is this feeling called? Is jealousy? Love? Anger? Hurt? Honestly, I don't know. I felt low and down all of a sudden, so I just laid down there in bed. I was in Aaron's room, and as I couldn't sleep even though I tried, I thought to look around a bit.

He has this zaddy vibe that I just lose my sanity over; he is the type of guy you would only see in a fictional book; he is that scared knight I dreamed of my entire life, but I never thought all the shit that happened would ruin my fantasies so badly. Oh, devil, how I wish things were different.

As I kept looking in his closet, I found something that piqued my interest. It was a photo of Aaron with a girl; they both were smiling brightly, and they seemed so happy, and Aaron's smile was so genuine. A smile made its way to my face, and for once in my life, I didn't make any kind of effort for that.

I flipped the photo to see something written on it: Lorraine Lawrence and Aaron Lawrence! Aaron has a sister, and I don't know—well, where is she now? I am confused and intrigued. I should just ask him about this. I wonder why he never told me about this.

"What are you doing there?" I flinched as I heard Aaron's voice, but something was off; his voice seemed harsh, cold, and angry. But why?

"Oh, hey, you had a sister; how come I never knew?" I said this as I gave him a smile. Aaron just looked away and clenched his jaw. He came towards me and harshly grabbed my hand; it was hurting me. He held the hand that I cut, and I don't know if he realizes that yet. I was about to tell him to let go, but he harshly pushed me towards the bed and held my neck. I started panicking, which somehow made him stop, but it was too late; the past returned. James always did this with me; he would always choke me and hurt my wounds over and over again, and as soon as Aaron let go of me, I started moving away from him. No matter how strong I am, I am still vulnerable when my past shows up unannounced.

"Hey Sugar, I am sorry; I didn't mean." Aaron's voice was shaking really badly as he was trying to hold my hand, but I kept moving back until my back hit the balcony's railing. At this point, I just wanted to jump, and I was about to when Aaron said

"I am sorry, but please don't do this. I was angry, and I didn't think before doing that to you, but please don't do this. I need your help in killing him, and only you can do that."

I was speechless. All he cares about is some mafia he wants to kill, not me. At this point, I was numb; my face held no emotions, just like my heart and my mind. My soul was damned. I somehow feel so betrayed, even though I should have expected this from him. All he cares about is his revenge.

"It's James"

My blood boiled as I heard his name, so he had been trying to do something since long ago, huh? Now it's my turn to play bitches.

"Sugar, please forgive me." "It's Katherine for you; actually, you know what, just call me Miss." "Lucine, make sure you remember the name, because if you call me anything else, I warn you, there will be consequences," I said as I cut Aaron off.

It took him a few seconds to realize what I just said, and when he did, the look on his face was priceless; his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets anytime now. He was so damn shocked. His reaction gave me psychotic satisfaction as I smirked while walking out of his room.

I went to the room I previously went to before the incident, took my stuff, and was about to leave for my mansion in Hawaii when I heard Josephine say, "See, bitch, he loves me, not you." Josephine smirked.

"Awww! Honey, I pity you." I gave her a pitiful smile as I shook my head and left that wretched place, and before I drove off, I heard Aaron say, "Sugar, wait, what do you mean by that, huh?" Now he has truly pissed me off.

I got out of my car and walked up to him, staring up at him with my poker face, slapped him right in the face, and said, "I warned you about the name. It's Lucine."

Aaron was too shocked to even speak. I just turned and left. I smirked in victory as I saw Josephine stepping back, and Aaron was just shocked.

I should have stuck to the promise I made to myself: never to get emotional, never to reveal my feelings, never to be a fool once again. I broke my promise, and look where it got me. I was right; being emotional is weak. I refuse to be weak.

I will ruin you and everyone who ever dared to hurt me. You guys had your fun, but now is my time. I am the damn queen, and you all better learn to bow down to me.

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