Chapter Ten.

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            Aurora and I slept there, and when we woke up we went to do our morning routine, there is a villa there that belonged to me, no one knows about it except my most faithful men, Aurora, Alex, and Clara, after I finished my morning routine, I went near the butterflies once again and I felt numb and Aurora sighed when she saw me looking at the butterflies and the morning sky with no emotion in my eyes, she knew what I was up to so she hugged me and said: "If this brings back my happy sister, who is no longer suffering, who is no longer in pain, who is no longer having panic attacks, I'm with you all the way, I'm not just your sister, I'm your best friend, but be careful, I know you'd never do anything wrong, you'll get through this, please give your sister a big hug."

I couldn't help but smile warmly. She warms my heart; she knows me better than I know myself. I hugged her back and said, "Don't worry about me; I'll take care of myself. Soon you'll get your happy sister back, okay?"

Aurora nodded as I felt my shoulder getting wet; she was crying. I patted her back, and she broke free from the embrace, wiped her tears, kissed me on the forehead, and said, "Before you woke up, I got a call, "and you have to go." I completed her sentence, "I wish I could stay." She sighed as she said this.

"I know, and I also know you have to go."

"They need you, not me."

"Just give me a few months; James doesn't know about you and he needs your help so that we can trap him, okay?" I said coldly. Aurora nodded and said

"Do you remember Charlotte Warren?" Asked Aurora as she packed up her things.

"Yeah, what about her?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"She wants to work with you," Aurora said, looking at me.

"What, why?" I asked, confused.

"She found out you're the mafia queen, and she needs your help to get revenge on you-know-who."

"Oh, that asshole—yeah, sure, tell her to come see me at my mansion," I said, standing up.
Aurora gave her a hug and her car keys.

"Why are you giving me the keys?" I asked, confused.

"Your gift."

"What? No way"

"Yes, Way!"

I jumped up and ran outside to see my love, the 'Koenigsegg Jesko Absolute'. It was a limited-edition car.

"I always wanted one of those damn sisters; how did you get it?" I asked Aurora, who was so damn impressed and surprised.

"Let's just say I've got my methods."

"Let me guess, you threatened someone," I chuckled.

"I paid them off too, and besides, how do you always know?" She asked, and she looked so darn cute!

My goodness, this girl—I love her so much. Aurora hugged me one last time as we said goodbye, and I was so excited to ride my little love. Oh, I'm so excited. Koenigsegg Jesko Absolute, here I come.

I went to my office. I had so much work ahead of me and a lot of things to do. I never thought that marrying someone would affect my work so much. When I exited the car and everyone saw me, their jaws dropped. I rarely come to my office, and when I do, I usually wear a black hoodie and skinny black jeans. I only dress up for important meetings. But I decided to change things up and go back to my original style. I wore a black off-the-shoulder crop top with black skinny flare jeans and a black coat. I wore my Gucci watch and was stuffed top to bottom with expensive stuff, which shocked everyone because I usually only wear the stuff that everyone else wears. My secretary, Ethan Smith, came up to me and said

"Miss. Katherine, what are you doing here?" He seemed confused, and at that moment I felt the presence of someone near me, and I gasped as someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer—it was Aaron! What the hell is going on here?

"That's Mrs. Katherine now," he said with a grin, glaring at my secretary.

"The who?" I said, still unable to believe he had said and done that.

"Actually, you should call her Mrs. Lawrence." Aaron grinned at me.

What the fuck? I hate his grin so much. Oh, dear devil

"You better get your hands off me before I drill holes in your head and inject you with hydrochloric acid that literally turns you into a zombie," I whispered to him as I glared at him, deathly pale.

"You wouldn't do that," Aaron said, scratching the back of his head because he was so nervous.

"Don't challenge me," I said as he took his hands off my waist.

"Mrs. Lawrence, is there something?" Ethan said as I looked at him.

"If you call me that again, you'll feel my wrath, and this is my damn company; am I not allowed to come here? I mean, I'm the CEO as far as I can remember." I'm so damn frustrated and annoyed that I'm done with both of them.

"I'm sorry, Miss Katherine," he said.

"Mrs. Lawrence, why do you call her Miss? Huh?" Aaron stares at him.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"Mrs..." "Is he your boss, or am I?" I interrupted Ethan and glared at Aaron. That damn grin never leaves his stupid face. It's so fucking annoying.

"Of course you are," Ethan said, avoiding my intense gaze.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Aaron?", I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm here to take care of my wife," Aaron said, giving me a big smile that I'm sure isn't real because he makes it so obvious.

"Speak the truth for once in your life, for God's sake," I said when I had enough of his annoying ass.

Aaron paused as he said, "Okay, you got me."

"I knew it! What is it this time?" I'm so pissed. Why am I so pissed? This pompous ass is getting on my nerves.

"You remember that party where you threatened the most powerful men in the world, right?" He raised an eyebrow.

"And also the party that gave me ultimate power—yes, I remember that; what about it?" I asked, grinning at him.

"You have no idea how much I loathe that shit."

"Well, one of my vows for this fucking marriage was to make your life hell, so I'm here to fulfill that vow to my dearest wife," Aaron said, putting more emphasis on the word "dearest wife."

"We didn't have a vow; let me guess, you imagined all that shit," I said as I walked away from him.

"I don't care," Aaron said as he caught up to me.

"You care enough to answer," I said, not even looking at him.

If you want to make my life hell, then you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Let the fun begin.

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