Chapter Seventeen.

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Aaron woke up and saw me staring deeply into his soul. He stared at me for a while and said, "Let's give this a chance, shall we?" He asked me with a pleading tone, which melted me, though I probably wouldn't have admitted it before. Now I want to stay true to my emotions and true to my feelings. To be brutally honest, I never hated him; I just talked myself into hating him because of what he did. I know it's pathetic, but I just couldn't bring myself to truly hate him, like how I hate James.

"Sugar, please say yes," He asked me with puppy eyes and a pleading tone. I gave in and laughed. "I did say yes last night, bear," I replied softly, with a grin on my face.

"What!" He looked like he had just seen a ghost. I looked at him confusingly as I asked him, "What happened?" "You just called me a bear?" "Yeah, I did; you don't want me to," I asked while blinking my eyes multiple times. He jumped on the bed, held my waist, and hugged me tight. As I lost my balance, he fell on top of me, and he was so close to me that our lips were almost touching. We were both breathing heavily. The atmosphere turned hot all of a sudden. As my heart started beating faster, he stared into my eyes and was about to come closer. Aaron moved back as he awkwardly smiled and answered the phone and spoke, "Yeah, I'll be there," and he cut the phone and turned to me, only to see me keep my poker face on as I left without saying a word.

"Sugar, she just wants to hang out; we are nothing, believe me," He yelled across the hallway.

"I don't care, Aaron," I yelled back.

"Come on, are you jealous?" He said it in a teasing manner when he came near me, only to receive a death glare in return.

"I'm just asking; I know I am hot." He smirked. Gosh, the duality of this guy; last night he was crying, and then laughing, and then pleading, and now teasing. He surely has some problems; he is so damn indecisive. I am saying that not only because of the nicknames but also because of his actions.

Whatever, Aaron," I said as I went to the kitchen.

"Call me bear, sugar. I love it when you call me that." He whined like a damn child. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Whatever, idiot!" I laughed. He gasped and said, "Did you just call me an idiot?" Yeah, I did, so what?" "You little--" With that, he started chasing me all around the house, and somehow, we both ended up on the couch, with him hovering over me. Damn, he is too close to me this time. His nose brushed mine. Just as our lips were about to meet, someone called again! Seriously, I absolutely hate this.

It was Josephine again! He apologized to me and left, saying he would see me later by the beach.

Man, That tension was intense.

I groaned loudly as I threw myself on the couch and thought how much I had changed in just a fraction of an hour. All it took was one confession—that's all it took—one confession based on truth was all it took to knock some damn sense into me as to how much I am insane about this guy.

I smiled to myself like an absolute idiot as i couldn't stop thinking about him, his words, his actions, his breathtaking looks, and that tension between us which I am sure he noticed too, I never knew that I would fall for him, like Aaron Lawrence, the guy who was once hell-bent on hurting me, but I guess I knew and just decided to hide it under layers and layers of hurt, hate, and anger but all of it was for james for breaking me, honestly I was just scared to face him, scared I would freeze up, scared that the past would return, scared I am not as strong as i think i am, so i just hid all of it under a strong and bold part of myself, i wasn't acting nor was i pretending i mean every word i said, it's just that, i meant those words to the different people in my life, being emotional is being weak, and right now i cannot afford to be weak and that doesn't mean I won't be carefree with Aaron, I know he won't hurt me, his words said it all.

The only thing bothering me is that bitch Josephine; she annoys the crap out of me, and I honestly just want to burn her annoying ass to the ground. Even thinking of that annoying ass makes me have some really dark thoughts I probably shouldn't have.

I shrugged off my thoughts as I was about to get ready to go to the beach when I got a text that darkened my eyes: "We found him." 

I texted back a "On my way" Finally! I found the asshole who killed my bitchy sister. Eww, I don't even want to call her that.

Now these bastards will finally learn what it feels like to be in hell.

I got another text, To which I gave a 'bruh' look. "Come here tonight, not now, you impatient ass." I want to kill him so badly but can't; Clara protects Alex so much. Gosh, these two—sometimes I suspect something is going on between them, but then again, maybe or maybe not.

"Yeah, dude, whatever," I text back to him. He just left me on seen! Like, what the actual hell, how can he just leave me on seen? Oh my damned god, the audacity of this guy: "Stop overreacting already; I was just talking to Clara; why would I leave you on seen when I knew you would freak out?" Alex texted me back as if he just read my mind, but I was pissed: "I was not freaking out!!!" "Yeah, right," He replied, and I just let out a scoff, groaned loudly, and dragged my body to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

These people make me want to murder people!!!!

I'll Tell The Stars About You.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang