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"I can't believe how insensitive this is," Isabelle protested, her voice echoing with disapproval. Following my grandmother's passing, I made the decision to take a break from my life back in Idris.

"Let's face it, the Clave is just a bunch of assholes. What did you expect?" I retorted bitterly, referring to the articles Isabelle was reading, which were being circulated by the Clave back home.

According to their twisted narrative, Will and I were locked in a power struggle over who would assume the mantle. They even used my escape to Brooklyn as an excuse to claim that Will had supposedly kicked me out of the manor.

Among those involved in the political sphere, opinions were sharply divided. Some believed that Will should take the position due to his experience, while to my surprise, others thought I possessed the right qualities and communication skills for the role.

The truth was, Will and I hadn't even discussed who should assume the mantle. It had only been three days since my grandmother's funeral, and we were still deeply entrenched in the grieving process.

"She's right, babe - I mean, Ally," Alec chimed in, his hand gently placed on my back. "I always knew the Clave lacked empathy, but this is on a whole other level."

" you know what they say, emotions cloud judgment," I sighed wearily, massaging my forehead. "I suppose there might be some truth to it. Will and I haven't had a chance to talk about it. We really should have by now. "

"No, they're not right. You have every right to mourn the loss of your grandma," Alec asserted firmly, his voice filled with unwavering support.

Our gazes locked, and I spoke softly, acknowledging Alec's role in the situation. "I know they handed you the report."

"Alice, you really should rest before anything of that comes to mind" Isabelle interjected, concern evident in her voice. Alec tenderly cupped my face, using his thumb to soothe the fatigue under my eyes.

"You really should. And I won't  pretend—I did read the report," Alec confessed, preempting any objections as he placed his fingers gently on my lips.

"I'm personally looking into it, okay? Or would you rather have Blackthorn handle it?" he raised an eyebrow, questioning me. I shook my head, disapproving of the latter option.

"Didn't think so," Alec replied, a determined tone coloring his words.

"I need to talk to Will. Mind if I hang out in your office?" I asked, giving Alec my best puppy eyes.

"As long as you're not using those eyes on me, yes, you may," Alec responded, a smile gracing his lips as he looked at me intensely.

I grinned and reached for his hand, bidding farewell to Isabelle, who was now absorbed in her phone.

As I walked toward Alec's study, his hand firmly grasped onto mine, intertwining our fingers as if to reassure me. It felt comforting and secure, having him by my side.

Once inside the office, we turned to face each other, and a warm smile spread across both of our faces. The air crackled with a mixture of anticipation and a deepening connection between us.

Our eyes locked, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away. The tension between us became palpable, and without a word, we leaned in closer, drawn to each other by an irresistible force.

Our lips met in a gentle, tender kiss, a culmination of the emotions we had been suppressing. It was a moment filled with sweetness, the beginning of something new and beautiful.

Reluctantly, we pulled away, our breaths mingling. I could see the reflection of my own surprise and happiness mirrored in Alec's eyes.

""That was...?" I started, my voice trailing off.

"I'll do it again," Alec declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His playful response elicited a genuine laugh from me.

"And I wouldn't mind at all," I said, smiling at him. I leaned in and planted a strong peck on his cheek, feeling a surge of affection. "I should call Will now."

"Yeah, do that, and then I'm taking you out for coffee," Alec said, his words laced with warmth and support. I couldn't help but appreciate his positive reinforcement.

Reaching for my phone, I dialed Will's number, determined to address the pressing political issue that had been weighing on my mind. Alec's presence had given me strength and clarity, fueling my resolve to take action.

"William Herondale?" I heard the line connect.

"I was hoping you'd call me first," I said in a salty tone, hinting at my annoyance. A groan escaped from the other side of the line.

"Do we really need to talk about this now?" Will asked, his frustration evident.

"Kinda. I mean, the Clave is pretty shitty for making us decide who's gonna take on Grandmas position. But it had to be done," I retorted sarcastically, my anger seeping into my words.

"Tell me about it. They sent over a meeting date for Wednesday," he blurted out, his tone dripping with exasperation. I let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the situation.

"I wonder what crack they're on," I muttered, my frustration mounting. It was then that Will's laughter reached my ears, leaving me confused.

"I'm not taking it," I declared firmly, my voice laced with determination. Will's laughter continued, leaving me perplexed.

"Really? Have you considered what everyone else has been saying?" Will scoffed, his disbelief evident.

"According to them, the speech you gave was really the difference between you and me," he added, his tone sour. I maintained my stance, unmoved by their opinions.

"That's nice and all, but like I said, it's a no from me," I replied firmly. "Plus, have you seen your credentials?"

"They're not looking at those. Apparently, it's now all about leadership and dedication to justice," Will informed me, his tone tinged with bitterness.

"Believe it or not, you've done quite a bit this year. Not to mention, you have a semi-stable relationship going on. It makes you look extra good," Will added, his words steeped in a mix of truth and cynicism.

"Will, I love you, but you've always been such a pessimistic piece of shit," I retorted, a touch of exasperation in my voice.

Will scoffed, his pride slightly wounded. "Gee, thanks."

"But like Grandma, you see the best in people. Unfortunately, I didn't get that shit in the womb. But you know what I did get?" I asked rhetorically.

"Perspective. I don't see the good in people, and honestly, that's something Valentine had," I declared, catching Alec's attention as he raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my words.

"Are you seriously saying you're like that psycho?" Will responded, clearly skeptical.

"I'm saying that the way I rally people to do the right thing isn't based on telling them they are inherently good and capable," I explained, reinterpreting my standpoint. "It comes from a unique perspective that allows me to focus on solving issues as a whole. In other words, Valentine's crazy plan of wiping out the entire demon race would solve our problem."

"I still think you're full of shit," Will retorted, his doubt lingering. I laughed in response to Will's skepticism. "Fine, I'll see you then."

"Yeah, you have fun taking over the world, alright?" Will replied, a hint of humor in his voice. "Love you, bye," he added quickly before hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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