16 | Siv

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Sorry for the delay! I've been feeling a little unmotivated recently. Plus comments have been down, so I'm a tad discouraged. But for those who do comment faithfully, thank you! I really appreciate you ❤️
For rereaders, this is a completely new chapter!!


"I guess in the end, he did teach her how to love a monster."


The loud cries from the room beside hers made Summer flinch awake. Though she was still achy one week post surgery, she shakily pulled herself into a sitting position, and mentally prepared herself to get up and walk.

As per usual, Loki sat up quicker then she did and gently pushed Summer to lay back down. "I got her, love. You're still recovering." He reminded her.

She ignored him and brushed him off, making him sigh. Though she was oblivious as to how the potion was again flowing through her veins, she knew he did something. Her whole body ached every time she rejected him or pushed him away. It was more than just pain from her c-section.

Loki tried again, this time a tad firmer. "Please lay back down. I got her."

She winced in pain as she finally got into a sitting position on the side of their bed. Her chest heaved, barely managing the pain that jolted through her whole body. It was tempting, to let him tend to her.

While she hated to admit it, up until this point, he had been a great father. He was always the first one up to tend to Siv when she cried, he changed her diapers, bathed her, did all the things he could do to take care of her. In doing this, he was also being a supportive husband. He was (or at least trying to) letting Summer rest and heal from such a major surgery.

Often times Summer didn't give in to his help. While he was always the first one there to check on Siv, Summer would trail in a little slower than Loki and take her daughter from him. That, or she'd watch him like a hawk as he changed her or bathed her. She didn't trust him alone with her, not even for a second.

Yet as she sat on the edge of the bed, panting in pain with tears in her eyes, she didn't stand up. She just sat there, trembling in pain and exhaustion.

"Summer?" Loki called, softly. Gently, he laid a hand on her shoulder. She nearly cried as the pain started to lessen by just the contact of his hand. "Are you okay?"

She wiped her eyes with the end of her sleeve. "I'm fine." Her voice wavered.

Before she could stand, he was in front of her. He knelt between her knees, his hands on her hips. He reached up and brushed her hair out of her face that she was desperately trying to hide behind. "I know you don't believe me, but you can trust me with her. I'd never hurt her."

Subconsciously, her body melted at the contact, yearning for more of him. Nothing in a sexual way, just in a way of always needing to be near him, needing to be in his presence. It started off this way last time before it morphed into an obsession of sorts. An infatuation, the same way he was with her. She was teetering on her breaking point and he knew it.

He carefully cupped her jaw and she let him. "Go back to sleep, love. I'll take care of her."

For the first time in a while, she did as told.

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