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Flame: Ughhhhhhhh I'm bored waiting for dares.

Speed: Can you stop being so impatient for once?

Flame: No... Anyways ima go and try and annoy someone.

Speed: Who are you gonna annoy?

Flame: Probably Sunshi-

Speed: *Glares at Flame*

Flame: On second thought, maybe Lazul-

Speed: *Gives a Death stare at Flame*

Flame: Actually, I think I'll annoy Black. *Has a scared and worried look on his face*

Speed: Good *With a happy face*


Flame: Hey Black!

Black: Uh hey Flame, you need anything?

Flame: Yeah, can you come with me?

Black: Why???

Flame: I saw something moving in the warehouse, I think there's a ghost type. And I don't know any moves to use on them that are effective.

Black: *Sigh* Fine, come on.

Flame: Alright, let's go.

*At the warehouse*

Flame: Alright, we're here.

Black: Let's go inside.

*Inside the warehouse*

Black: I don't see anything, do you?

Flame: I'm sorry

Black: What are you talking abo-

*Flame closes the door and locks it*


*Black gets a chill down his spine*

Pearl: Oh, Blacky~

Black: Oh, Arceus, have mercy on me...

*10 minutes later*

Flame: I feel like I forgot something.

Speed: We'll if you forgot it then it wasn't important.

Flame: Yeah, you're right.

*Cut to Black on the floor tied up with Pearl on top of him*

Flame: Anyways, viewer, leave us truths or dares and see you next time!

Everyone but Black and Pearl: BYE!!!!!

*Later at night*

Flame: *Snoring*

Black: *Standing next to Flame's bed* You are now dead. *In a menacing voice*

Eeveelution Squad Truth Or DareWhere stories live. Discover now