Bonus Chapter 1

142 1 13

It was a bad day at the Eeveelution house since everyone was fixing the damage in Flame's room from the day before.

Speed: Looking back at it, maybe we shouldn't have attacked Flame like that.

Black: He deserved it. The only bad thing is that we gotta fix the hole in the wall before Pearl finds out.

Flare: I don't know how she hasn't found out yet. Also, shouldn't Flame be back here by now?

Speed: Yeah, you're right, I wonder where he is right now?

Black: Can't you just run to him since you're fast?

Speed: Oh yeah... wait guys, stay here, I'm gonna run around the town and try and find him.

Flare: Ok, see you soon big bro.

Speed dashes off while Black and Flare are stuck patching the hole in the wall.

With Speed~

Speed: Come on Flame, where are you? Uhh, hey you!!

???: Yeah?

Speed: Have you seen a blue Flareon around here... wait a second, aren't you Ribbons? Flame's friend, right?

Ribbons: Yeah, you're Speed, right?

Speed: Yep, well I'm looking for Flame right now since uhh...


*Everyone charges up their strongest move*

Flame: Uhhhhh, I think Ribbons told me to stay at her house tonight sooo... BYEE!!

*Everyone uses their move*

Flame: Aw man...


Flame: IM BLASTING OFF AGAIN!! *Little twinkle in the sky*

End of Flashback~

Speed: After that, there was a hole in the wall, and I realized that Flame could fix it like he had done before.

Ribbons: Well, last night, I did find someone passed out in the middle of the street while I was heading home, which could've been Flame.

Speed: Where did you see them?

Ribbons: I think it was 2 blocks right from here.

Speed: Ok, thanks for the help.

Ribbons: No problem!

Speed yet again runs off to where Ribbons said Flame was.

Speed: Come on, almost there. *Spots something blue in the middle of the sidewalk* Is that him?

Speed runs up to the blue thing, which turned out to be Flame.

Speed: Finally, that took a while.

Flame: *Waking up* Where the hell am I?

Speed: In the middle of a sidewalk, and come on, we gotta get home.

Flame: Alright, 1 second, I just woke up. *Slaps himself* Alright, I'm ready.

Speed: Good, now hold onto me.

Flame: Ok, but why... ohhhh. Wait wait WAIT!!


Speed and Flame are suddenly gone in a yellow flash. And as soon as they left, they were home.

Flame: I didn't know you went that fast.

Flame had a dizzy face and is a little wobbly from the run while Speed is unfazed.

Speed: Well, come on inside, you need to help fix the hole in the wall.

Flame: What hole?

Cut to Flame and Speed, looking at Flare and Black, trying to fix the hole.

Flame: Oh, that hole, but why do I have to help? You guys were the ones to make it.

Speed: You need to help because 1, you won't have a place to sleep until we fix it. And 2, Pearl will kill all 4 of us since she was the one to pay for the house.

Flame: Ok, yep, let's do this. *Starts saying weird words and floating*

Black: What the Fu-

All of a sudden, all 4 of them see a white flash, and then the wall was fixed.

Black: Uhh, ok.

Flare: Finally, that's done.

Speed: Well, at least Pearl never found out about the hole in the wall.

Out of nowhere, Pearl emerges from the shadows.

Pearl: Would you say that again? I couldn't hear that. *Mad tone*

Speed: Uh oh.

Flame: Not again!

Pearl: *Uses Hyper Beam*


(Hey, a quick announcement, I'm sadly starting school tomorrow. I'll be writing less, but I will still update. I hope to see you guys again soon. BYEEE!!!!)

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