The Speedverse Pt 1

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It was the day after Pearl blew up Flame's room, sending Black, Speed, Flare, and Flame flying into who knows where. Thankfully, they got home and fixed the 2nd hole Pearl created with her HyperBeam, and things seemed like they were going to go back to normal. Until...

With Speed~

Flame: Next time, think before you attack me, I got sent flying 2 times.

Speed: Look, I know, you don't have to keep repeating that.

Flame: I have to so that the story cuts to the right time where I say that.

Speed: Story? What are you talking about?

Flame: Uhhhhh... *Nervous sweat*


Flame: What was that!?

Speed: How would I know? I should go see what it was.

Flame: Ok then, it sounded like it was in Flare and Leaf's garden.

Speed: Ok, you go get help too.

Flame: Got it.

Outside at Flare & Leaf's garden~

Speed: Flare!! Are you here?

Flare: Big bro, I'm here!!

Speed: Good, now tell me what happened.

Flare: Ok, what happened was that some weird colorful portal opened up in the sky. Something, or should I say somemon, came out of it. It was a Jolteon, and it looked kinda like you.

Speed: Like me?

Flare: Yeah, it looked like you. Except that it had a blue jacket on and looked like it used teleport. I got scared of it and hid away over here.

Speed: Alright then, was there anyone with you?

Flare: Yeah, Leafy was with me, but we got separated when we got scared, and now I don't know where she went.

Speed: It's ok Flare, Flame went to go get help, you should go too.

Flare: What are you going to do?

Speed: I'm gonna go look for Leaf.

With Leafy~

Leaf: What was that Jolteon? *Kind of shakey*

*Stick breaking sound*

Leaf: AHH!! What was that!?

???: Leaf is that you?

Leaf: P-Please don't hurt me!!

Speed: Leaf, don't worry, it's me Speed. I came looking for you while Flame and Flare are getting help.

Leaf: Phew, I thought you were that weird Jolteon.

Flame: What weird Jolteon?

???: Heya kid.

Leaf: THAT ONE!!

Speed: Who are you? Where even are you?

???: Come on, don't be like that. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand.

Speed: *His body starts turning* *Thinking* WHY IS MY BODY TURNING AROUND!! I DONT EVEN WANT TO TURN AROUND!!

Leaf: SPEED NO!!

*Long fart noise*

Leaf and Speed: ...

Jolteon: Hehehe... the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny. Anyways, you two are Eeveelutions, right? That's hilarious.

Leaf: What the???

Speed: Who are you?? And what are you doing here??

Jolteon: I'm Speed. Speed the jolteon.

Speed: Wait, your name is Speed? I'm Speed, though.

Speed???: Well then, how about you call me Sans Speed. Sans for short.

Speed: Umm, alright then, Sans... what are you doing here?

Speed!Sans: I have no idea. Where am I anyway?

Leaf: You're in my garden.

Speed!Sans: Ok then, you mind if I come with you guys back to your house, I could use some help.

Speed: Yes, we do mind-

Leaf: No, we don't mind at all, follow us.

Speed: *Whisper* Leaf, what are you doing? We don't even know this guy. He could be a wild pokemon.

Leaf: *Whisper* He would have attacked us already if he was wild. I'm sure he's good.

Speed: *Sigh* I trust you Leaf.

Leaf: Good, now Sans, our house is this way, follow us.

Speed!Sans: Ok, thanks.

All 3 of them head back to the Eeveelution house, and when they were about to relax and ask Speed!Sans some questions, but...

Pearl: Alright, Sans, do you mind if we ask you some questions-


Everyone: ...

Speed!Sans: I bet 100 Poké that the Boom was another Speed.

Black: What the fu-

Pt 1 end

Leave in the comments of what you think was the other BOOM, and for now...


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