Gimme a bit more time

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Sorry I haven't updated in about a week, I have not lost interest in this book. It's just that this chapter is just taking longer to make than others. To make up for it, here's a sneak peek to what I'm making.

It's was a normal day at the Eeveelution house. Everyone was doing their daily routines and things, but then, several portals opened up near every one of them and sucks them in. After they all got sucked in, they were met with them all, ending up in the same room in a different house with other Eeveelutions.

Everyone: aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Speed: Ouch, where are we?

Sunshine: We.... are on a treehouse?

Flare: *Notices ???1* Uuh, hi?

???1: Um, Uuh. Hi too?

???2: *Runs from his room* What's going on!?

???3: Who's this mons?

???4: Oh my Arceus....

Speed: Wait a minute. Before you can ask, who are you?

???2: Uh, I'm Spark.

I'll try and hurry it up a bit. It's just that I haven't read ES in a bit, and I've forgotten some things about the characters. Ima try and refresh myself. Heads up, this dare will be a multi-part, don't ask why, I just feel like making it a multi-part story. I promise that the next part will come out soon. So keep an eye out. Anyways...


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