ES and the Ink Machine

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It's a beautiful day outside. Pidgeys are singing, Sunfloras are blooming. On days like these, Pokemon like you...

Crystal: SHOULD WAKE UP!!!!! *Jumps on Speed*

Speed: GAAAAHHHH!!!! Crystal!!! What was that for!?

Crystal: It's breakfast time!

Both looked back and forth between each other. Speed had an annoyed look (Ō_Ō), while Crystal just had a joyful smile (:D)

Speed: *Sigh* Let's just go.

Crystal: Ok!

Speed and Crystal head to the kitchen to go get some food. Once they go in, they see that everyone else is there other than "Flame". Crystal goes to sit down next to Silvia, and Speed is walking over to Lazuli.

Speed: Hi Laz.

Lazuli: Hey Speed, how was your sleep?

Speed: It was fine. Something kept me up tho.

Lazuli: Oh... Wanna tell me about it?

Speed: Well, something happened yesterday.


"Flame": That's better, anyways get out.

Speed: W-What? But this is my room-

Fłªmə: 0UŢ!!!

"Flame's" voice sounded glitchy and staticy, and it made Speed and Bolt jump a little. Noticing this, "Flame" covered their mouth quickly.

"Flame": I apologize, I did not mean to sound threatening like that.

End of Flashback~

Speed: Flame sounded kind of creepy when he yelled. It sent chills down my spine.

Lazuli: Maybe we should go talk about it to him.

Speed: I guess so. Let's go Laz.

Speed and Lazuli head to "Flame's" room and saw that there was no one there.

Speed: Flame? Are you there?

Lazuli: If you're playing a prank, then this isn't very funny.

Speed and Lazuli both go inside the room to get a better. As soon as they get inside, the door slams shut and locks itself.

Lazuli & Speed: KYAAAAAAA!!!

Lazuli and Speed both jump up and hug each other while shaking.

Speed: Flame, if this is a prank, then it's not funny anymore!

Lazuli: *Tries to open door* The door's locked!! WHAT DO WE DO SPEED!!!

Speed: Here, let me try something. *Punches the door* What? *Punches the door harder* You gotta be kidding me!

Speed continues to beat the Trubish out of the door while Lazuli looks at Speed worryingly.

Lazuli: Speed, maybe you should try an actual attack.

Speed: *Stops punching* I think that'll work.

Speed wastes no time to charge up a Thunderbolt, but before he can launch the move, something hits him in the back of the head.

Speed: Ow, what was that for Lazuli!? Lazuli? Are you there?

Speed turns around and sees nothing there other than a weird black puddle on the floor.

Speed: What? What is this doing here?

Speed goes to get a closer look at the strange liquid and...


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