Chapter twenty three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Minerva had expected to hear a few things that she wouldn't like, however, she expected them to be about Harry's upbringing. She did not expect a very much alive Regulus Black which as luck would have it was a direct result of her goddaughter. Most of all however, she did not expect to feel such disgust at the man she had admired most. She had always believed that Harry had been placed with his mother's relatives because she had thought her goddaughter had agreed. She was wrong, she trusted Albus Dumbledore blindly and she shouldn't have. She should've checked in on her goddaughter, she had let her down. She had let Dory down, she now had a choice to make, she had to choose to stand by her goddaughter now and fight for what is right. Minerva had sat there and listened with patience as Cassie told her about Dumbledores treatment of Regulus Black as a young child, she listened to his forceful behaviour with James and Lily Potter and then she just about broke with rage and shame when Cassie went on to tell her what Dumbledore had done when James and Lily died, that he threatened her with Azkaban, took Harry from her without her knowledge and left the poor child to be abused. The seething rage tears fell from her eyes and landed on her tightly clasped hands when Alastor had stood from his chair so violently it fell to the floor, Harry flinched.

"He threatened MY Goddaughter did he? Oh he thought he'd get away with that did he? I should've been there. I've failed you girly but no more. I will fight by your side. I will make this right by you. I-"

"Uncle Al! Calm down. I should have gone to you years ago but I was warped by grief and I lost everything. I don't blame you, I don't blame anyone other than Albus Fucking too many names Dumbledore and Voldemort. They are who took my family from me and they are who destroyed everything I held dear."

Sirius was staring at the two elders in the room, he could see Minnie's tears, he could see Moody shaking with rage. He realised then that they felt all the same guilt he did. They felt poor for not being there for Cassie and Harry, even Reggie for that matter. He stood and walked over the first woman who made him feel cared for, he took her hands from her lap and held them.

"Right well now that is all over with. We are all in the know, shall we get down the nitty gritty and decide how we will be dealing with them?" Regulus intercepted.

Sirius let out a bark of a laugh, Reggie always has been straight to the point. Too much emotion made him feel awkward. Minerva gave a shaky laugh.

Harry sat watching the adults around him, he had always felt like he was alone in all this, that this all happened to him and him alone. Now though he realises that is obviously what Dumbledore wanted so that Harry would trust him. Now though, he was watching his family he supposed, share all that had happened to them before Harry had even been born. He now knew, this wasn't just his fight, and if his Aunt Cassie had anything to say about it, it would never be his fight.

"I think we need to tackle Dumbledore's 'leader of the light' persona and whilst doing that we need to bring back some of the old ways. I am not saying no muggleborns at Hogwarts or the bigotry that the other side spew, what I mean is our traditional holidays and celebrations. We need to allow people to use some Blood magic as it is not all dark. We need to start in the Wizengamot." Regulus spoke.

"Alright Reg, I agree with you, you know I do, the Wizengamot is easy enough given that both Sirius and I hold seats, however, the Dumbledore side of things is going to be much harder." Cassie replied.

"Well it would be, if somebody believed to be dead hadn't been poking around for the least decade, however, I have been digging into Dumbledore for years and I have a dossier on him." He said pulling out a large folder from the desk in front of him.

Sirius yanked the folder out of his brothers hand and began scanning the documents inside. He couldn't believe the information inside.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Dumbledore and Grindelwald?! Seriously? Fucking seriously?" Sirius exclaimed.

"What?! Like when he defeated him or like before?" Cassie asked.

"Let me see that boy!"Moody said grabbing the files.

Harry didn't understand the significance of this Gringelwald.

"Sorry who is Gringelwald?"

"Not Gringelwald Harry, GrinDelwald." Cassie replied.

"Yeah him, who's he?"

"He was the Dark Lord before the Dark Lord." Regulus answered.

"Uh, yeah that doesn't help me."

"Mr Potter, Gellert Grindelwald believed that Wizards should be in control of the Muggle world. He believed Wizards were superior to the Muggles. His methods to achieve this were similiar to Voldemorts." Minerva responded.

"Your grandfather would be able to tell you more Lad, he fought in that war." Moody said.

"He was? Oh. I don't know anything."

"You are supposed to learn this in History of Magic, Mr Potter." Minerva said.

Harry, Regulus, Sirius and Cassie all burst out laughing.

"Oh Minnie, that class is shite. All Binns teaches you is how to hate goblins. He doesn't teach you anything."

"What? He is supposed to teach you about all the wars, the wizarding council-"

"Aunt Min, sorry but he's a ghost, he has been dead since at least the 1800s, he doesn't even know about all the wars, he doesn't know who Grindelwald is or even Harry Potter is."

Minerva hung her head in shame. They were failing students.

"I think firstly we need to change the curriculum at Hogwarts, we need to exorcise Binns and we need to properly educate on Muggles and Wizard traditions. We need to start from the students up, so that we can provide a proper all rounded education, hopefully avoiding another Voldemort." She said.

"Yes well that can be part of the challenging of Dumbledore, you will find evidence that Hogwarts is performing worse than the other magical schools." Regulus spoke, taking out a piece of parchment with statistics and figures on it.

Minerva and Cassie read the document. "Are we seriously teaching less classes than every other school out there?" Regulus nodded.

"Right leave this with me, I will investigate what classes we can add, what classes we can remove, which teachers are incompetent-"

"Um Professor?" Harry spoke.

"Yes Mr Potter?"

"Professor Trelawny does do prophecies but she can't actually teach divination, Professor Binns well you know about him and Professor Snape is Neville Longbottoms Boggart. I think that is enough to say he shouldn't be around anyone." Harry answered.

"He's a students boggart?"

"Uh yeah, Professor Lupin had us to boggarts in third year and when we got to Neville out walked Professor Snape. Neville was terrified."

"Noted Mr Potter." Minerva left with promises to be in touch. Alastor was heading to the Ministry to feel out any possible alliances within the Aurors. They agreed to meet weekly. 

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