Ski Racing

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Toby's POV

The race had started and the hill was pretty steep, we get to avoid trees, logs and other stuff. There were yellow flags along the way to show the course. Three other racers wearing red were ahead of me. Me, Josh and Will wore blue coats. I started to catch up to the guys in red with Josh right behind me. All of the spectators were escorted to the bottom of the hill where the finish line was. I managed to pass one of the guys in red but there were other racers catching up too. Guys in green coats, guys in Orange coats, guys in yellow coats. It was basically a team race. Myself, Josh and Will were the blue team, there was a red team, a green team, a orange team, and a yellow team. I could hear the crowd cheering in the far distance way down at the finish line. As I was skiing there was a ramp coming up, I started to get nervous but at the same time excited.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I thought to myself.

I skied up the ramp and I was high in the air, I came down and made a perfect landing. I looked back and saw Josh and Will behind me as the other teams were behind them. The red team was still pretty far ahead of me so I tried speeding up a bit.

"C'mon Toby, you got this!" Will yelled out.

We finally caught up to the red team and was beside them. I tried so hard to keep my eyes ahead of me so I skied as hard as I could so I could get ahead. I finally passed the red team so now I'm in first place. Josh followed behind me. A few minutes later, all three of us were in front but then something terrible happened. As we turned a slight corner I heard a thump behind me causing me to quickly turn around to see Will on the ground.

"Will!" Me and Josh shouted.

We rushed over to him a As he was on the ground holding his left ankle while grunting in pain.

"Will are you okay?" I asked.

"I think I twisted me ankle!" He said.

"Here let us help you." Josh offered.

"No no don't worry about me! You guys have to win the race for us!" He suggested.

"But we can't leave you here." I said.

"It's fine just go ahead, hurry before the other teams catch up!" He said.

"Okay, we'll win this for you Will!" I stood up.

Me and Josh got back on course and continued the race.


Lita's POV

All of us were at the finish line waiting for the boys to cross. I kind of got a little worried about them but that is a huge mountain after all. I felt a hand on my right shoulder making me turn around.

"Lita, are you okay?" Carmen asked.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine Carmen." I smiled at her. "Just hoping that the boys win that's all."

"They'll win, I just know it!" Alice shook so over.

"Yeah, Will's a great skier and I know he can help Toby and Josh because he's a great teacher." Natalie said.

"They'll win this Lita!" Maya grinned.

"Hmm, I hope my friends are right." I thought to myself. "C'mon Toby, you can do this."

Toby's POV

We're almost at the end of the race, me and Josh still held the lead leaving Will behind. The other racers were starting to catch up to us and we hit the final stretch of the to the finish line.

"C'mon Josh, we got this!" I yelled to him.

"We got company Toby!" Josh yelled back.

The other racers were approaching us at full speed. Now it was clutch time, me and Josh gave each other a nod as the red team were now beside us trying to get ahead.

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