To All My Followers

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Sup guys! I want to hear from all of you about this story. Are you enjoying it?

It would be really awesome to hear feedback from you guys on anything frim this story. You can ask me anything about it, you can give your best opinion, you can suggest ideas, etc.

Also, feel free to tell me your favorite chapter.

Tell me your favorite character.

Tell me your favorite couple and who you ship.

Right now, I'm figuring out how I'm gonna write the next chapter. And what it should be about.

I also want you guys to tell me your favorite couple.

Toby & Lita?

Josh & Maya?

Tyler & Carmen?

Zack & Alice?

Will & Natalie?

You guys can make a vote by commenting on one of the couples above.

The next topic, your favorite chapter?

If you read this book from the start, then you can vote on your favorite chapter in the comments by commenting the name of that chapter.

I will also do a top 5 shout out to the first five people that comments or votes on this chapter. I will give the shout outs in the next chapter one I figure out what I want it to be.

And just a reminder, I am currently writing a sequel to this book call "Victorious: Ten Years Later."

So I highly recommend that you read this book before reading that book so that way you'll have a better understanding of the events in the sequel.

If there's nothing else to say, I guess that'll be it. Please don't forget to vote, comment & follow. I will try to have the next chapter as soon as I can.

Thank you for reading this message. Peace out! 😎

One pinky... One finger... One thumb... One love! 🤙❤













You guys rock! 🤘🌟

Victorious: The Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now