Scary Campout

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Two weeks later. Saturday April 5th, 2014

Toby's POV

It's a beautiful Saturday evening, and I have a very exciting plan for today. I'm going out camping for the first time ever! Will decided to invite me and the rest of my friends to go campout. I had everything ready for it, this is gonna be fun! We're gonna roast marshmallows, sing songs, probably tell ghost stories, and so much more. As I was in my room gathering my things like my sleeping bag that I got yesterday, some bug spray, and other belongings that I need, Tori came in to see if I was ready. She was gonna drop me off at Will's house where we're all meeting.

"Hey kiddo, you bout ready?" She asked.

"I'm sure am, I got everything I need." I said.

"Alright, let's roll." She said.

We left the house and she drove down the street. About a few minutes later, we finally arrived at Will's house. She parked on the side of the road and shot me a smile.

"Okay kid, be good." She said.

"I will Tori, and thanks for the ride." I opened the door.

"Sure, have fun!" She waved.

I got out of the car and shut her door. As I walked up to the house Tori honked the horn and I waved as she drove away. I knocked on Will's door and he opened it.

"Happy camping brother!" He laughed and let me in.

"Thanks man." I bro hugged him.

I walked in and saw that the rest of my friends were already here. Lita saw me and immediately ran up to me, she leaped into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Hi babe!" She giggled.

My eyes were wide open while I was grinning. "Woah there! You're pretty hyped up!" I laughed.

"Sorry, I'm just very excited for this!" She kissed my lips.

"I am too, I've never been on a camping trip before." I said.

"Neither have I." She said as she got down from me.

"Okay gang, everything's all loaded in the van, so let's move out!" Will motioned.

All of us walked out of the door and climbed into the van. We started traveling down the road while singing songs and just having fun.


We're at the campsite and we helped each other set up the tents. There were two big tents, one for the girls, and one for us boys. It's only seven in the evening so it's not dark quite yet. After the tents were up Will gathered some wood and started a fire. We had food like hotdogs, chips, drinks, and things to make s'mores. All of us put on some bug spray to keep mosquito bites away.

"This fresh air is amazing!" I inhaled.

"It sure is, I love it out here!" Lita laughed.

"I hope we don't run into any bears." Carmen worryingly said.

"Don't worry," Tyler stood beside Carmen. "I'll protect you Carmen."

Carmen smirked. "You will?"

"You know it." Tyler put his arm over her shoulders.

"I'm gonna start the fire so we can roast the hotdogs." Will said.

"Cool, I'll help." I offered.

Me and will started the campfire, the fire was lit and he grabbed the pack of hotdogs from the cooler that he had the drinks in. Everyone gathered around the fire and we began to cook the hotdogs, as we ate we decided to tell some ghost stories. Natalie had one for us and she started telling it. It's now eight p.m. at night, so it was much darker outside now. Natalie grabbed her flashlight and pointed at her face. I felt chills once she started. Natalie clears her throat and started speaking in a creepy whispering tone.

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