A Great First Day

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Toby's POV

Me and Lita finally got to the outside cafeteria called the grub and got in line, when it was our turn we finally ordered our food, I got chicken tenders with fries and Lita got pizza with fries. We grabbed our seats and started talking, but before I could Lita's phone started ringing.

"Hang on I have to answer this." She got up and walked towards a nearby trashcan.

I sighed and stared eating my food until I spotted Tori and her friends. I was about to go over to them but Lita had already came back with a worried look on her face.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, couldn't be better." She nervously said.

"Okay well I was about to go talk to my sister and her friends, do you wanna come?" I offered.

"Uh, I don't know." She dropped her head.

"Don't be shy, their really nice." I smiled.

She looked up and slightly smiled. "Okay." She stood up.

We both walked over to their table to talk to them.

"Hey Tori!" I waved.

"Hey Toby, how's everything going?" She hugged me.

"Great, math class was pretty good." I said.

"That's great." She smiled.

"Oh yeah, guys this is Lita, she was in my math class." I introduced her. "Lita, this is my sister Tori and her friends Andre, Cat, Beck, Jade, Robbie and Rex." I pointed to each of them.

"I'm not her friend." Jade claimed and I rolled my eyes.

"It's nice to meet you." Tori said.

"You too." Lita quietly said.

"Where's Trina?" I looked around.

"Oh she's at the drama room." Tori explained.

"Uh Drama room, what's that?" I was confused."

"It's where we go and do stage plays." Andre said.

"Cool." I said.

"So Lita tell us about yourself." Beck said.

"Oh uh, well I like to dance and all." She explained.

"That's awesome." Said Tori.

A few seconds later the bell rung and we had to get back to class.

"Well we have to get back to class, see ya guys." I waved.

"Later Toby, and it was nice meeting you Lita." Tori said.

"You too." Lita smiled.

"Yo Toby, you the man." Beck gave me a thumbs up and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, good luck at the play rehearsal." I said.

"Thanks!" They all said.


After class it was time to go home, me and Lita was walking down the hall to leave out of the building until a boy and a girl with blonde hair walked up to us.

"Hey Lita!" The girl said.

"Oh hey Maya, hey Josh." Lita waved.

"Who's your friend?" Maya asked.

"Oh, I'm Toby." I greeted them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Josh." He said.

"And I'm Maya." The girl said.

"Are you guys heading home?" Josh asked.

"Yeah why?" Lita asked.

"We all should hang out sometime." Maya stated.

"Sure, how about you two give Toby your phone numbers?" Lita said.

"Sure!" They both said.

They all started giving me their phone numbers and I added them to my contact list. I just made three new friends in one day! Lita was staring at her phone with another worried look on her face.

"Lita? Are you okay?" Maya asked.

"Oh yeah! I gotta go, bye guys!" She hurried out the door.

"Well that was weird." Josh said.

"Yeah, it was." I said with a concern look on my face.

I felt an arm around my neck and when I looked beside me it was Tori.

"Hey kid, ready to go?" She smiled.

"Yeah let's go, bye guys." I waved at Maya and Josh.

"Bye!" They both said.


After we got home I got a text message from Lita.


Lita: Hey Toby.

Toby: Hey Lita what's up?

Lita: Me, Maya and Josh are planning on going to the ice cream shop tomorrow and do some homework, do you wanna come?

Toby: Sure that sounds like fun, I'll be there!

Lita: Great, oh no I gotta go see ya!

Toby: Bye.

End of text

"Say Toby do you wanna help me cook dinner?" Tori asked me.

"Sure, that's fine." I said still thinking about Lita.

"Is something bothering you?" She sat beside me.

"Yeah, it's Lita. She's been acting weird lately."

"How?" She asked.

"It's like every time she gets on her phone she starts to act strange." I shrugged.

"Well have you asked her why she's acting weird?"

"Yeah, but every time I do she tries to play it off, so I don't know."

"Maybe she's going through something personal." She rubbed my back.

"I just hope she's okay."

"Because you like her!" She winked at me.

"Whatever." I playfully punched her arm.

"C'mon, let's start dinner."

"Alright!" We both got up and went to make spaghetti and meatballs.

To be continued.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, next part coming soon. Peace out!

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