Until We Meet Again

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Saturday March 8th, 2014

It's now two weeks after the wedding, Mercedes and Trent were finally back from their honeymoon. The two ended up finding a new home together in Long Beach. Everyone was gathered at Ms. Martinez's house saying their goodbyes to Mercedes and Trent. It was hard for them, but they know that the newly wedded couple needed this.

Toby's POV

Well today is a tough day. Mercedes, Trent, and Laura are leaving. They got a new house in Long Beach California. It's gonna be a tough goodbye but it's what's best for them.

"Well, I guess it's time to go." Trent said.

"We're gonna miss you guys." Mercedes said.

Ms. Martinez, Lita, Carmen, Zack, Hector, and Diego all went into a group hug with Mercedes and Trent. I looked at the family and smiled, Tori, Trina, and our parents stood behind us and smiled.

"You two take care. And Trent, please take care of my daughter and granddaughter." Ms. Martinez said.

"I will, thank you ma." He said.

"And please, don't hesitate to call okay?" Me. Martinez said.

"We will Mom, I love you." Mercedes said.

"I love you too, and I love you too my granddaughter." Ms. Martinez said to Laura.

Mercedes walked over to my family and smiled at us. Them she started to tear up.

"Thank you guys, for all you've done for me and my family." She said.

"It's no problem, sorry we couldn't make the wedding." My Dad said.

"We wish we could've been there but work had us busy." Mom said.

"It's okay, and I appreciate the gift y'all gave us." Mercedes said.

"No problem. You two take care of yourselves now." Dad said.

"We will." She smiled.

"And bye bye little one." Mom told Laura.

All Laura did was smiled at my parents and did a little giggle. They put Laura in the car and strapped her in her car seat. After Trent loaded up the car with their things he turned around and waved at us. Mercedes did the same thing as well.

"Love you all." Mercedes said while chocked up.

"And we love you too." Ms. Martinez said.

"Toby..." Mercedes trailed while looking at me.

"Yes Mercedes?" I asked.

"Remember what I said at the wedding, don't forget it okay?" She said.

"I remember, you can count on me." I gave her a thumbs up and winked at her.

She smiled at me and Trent gave me a thumbs up. She then turned her attention towards Zack, Carmen, and Lita.

"Zack, I want you to grow up and become the best young man that you can be." She told him.

"Sure." He smiled. "You have my word Mercedes."

"Lita, Carmen... You two become amazing young ladies and always listen to your heart. Never let anyone or anything bring you down." Mercedes said.

Lita and Carmen both nodded while in tears as they stood side by side holding hands.

"Lita, always stand by Toby's side. Listen to him if he needs to talk to you, help guide him through different situations, and most of all, be the best girlfriend to him." She told Lita.

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