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One month later, Friday August 1st, 2014

Toby's POV

It's been a month now and I tell ya, it was a great one! I celebrated my 15th birthday on the 17th, and Josh celebrated his 15th birthday on the 31st! Today is now Lita's 15th birthday, and I decided that I was going to do something special for my girlfriend today. That's right, I'm going to sing her a song! Now here's the thing, I've never been the type to be into music, I listen to it, but I've never played an instrument. Well... That's what you guys think. I've been secretly talking lessons on how to play a guitar for awhile now. And the person that's been helping me you ask? Andre! Andre has been secretly helping me out with the song, I don't want Tori to know because I'm afraid that she'll be mad with me. Right now, had the guitar in my room and I was practicing the tune Andre taught me. I began to sing the lyrics while playing, that's when I heard Tori call my name so I immediately hid the guitar in my closet and the lyrics under my pillow.

"Hey kiddo, what are you up to?" She came in.

"Nothing." I quickly shook my head.

"Something." She wrinkled her eyebrows at me.

"Look what's up?" I sat on the bed.

"Well I was just seeing if you wanted to go with me to the clothing store after school?" She asked.

"Is Trina going too?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah." She said.

"Then no." I quickly said.

"Really Toby?" She shook her head.

"You know how Trina is Tori." I folded my arms. "She spends hours and hours picking up different outfits!"

"Well you have a good point." She nodded in agreement.

"And besides, today is Lita's birthday remember?" I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, that's awesome." Tori said.

"I'm gonna spend the day with her." I said.

"That's sweet, well when you get to school tell her I saud happy birthday." Tori said.

"Sure thing." I smiled.

She left out of my room as I got ready for school. It's a good thing she didn't catch me playing the guitar.


At school I met up with my friends in the halls. I surprised Lita with some flowers for her birthday.

"Hey Lita, happy birthday!" I handed her the flowers.

"Aww thanks Toby!" She said as she took the flowers.

"So what are your plans babe?" I asked her.

"Well my mom is taking me bowling after school today." She said.

"That's awesome." I said.

"She said that you guys can come too." She said.

"Awesome! I love bowling!" Josh said.

"I'm glad that I'm active again!" Maya exclaimed.

"We are too, it's great to see you out of that ankle brace." I said.

Class started and we were on our way. While there, other classmates were wishing Lita a happy birthday.


After school was over I was home getting ready to go bowling with my friends for Lita's birthday. I looked at the time and saw that it was five, I had my outfit on and went downstairs. Tori and Trina came through the front door as they were finally back from the mall. Tori was struggling with a bunch of bags, she dropped them on the floor as she was completely out of breath.

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