Love Connection

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Tuesday June 17th, 2014

Toby's POV

Did Tori just tell me what I think she just told me? Did she just say that Beck is falling for her? I don't think my ears deceived me, that's what it sounded like she said.

"Tori, what did you just say?" I shook my head.

She sipped her water and sniffed. "I think that Beck... Is falling for me."

I stood to my feet and walked halfway to the kitchen then back to the couch. "Tori are you sure?"

She slowly nodded and I let out a sigh. Why would Beck be falling for Tori? Something really bad must be going on between him and the she devil Jade. This mind blowing.

"What did Beck tell you?" I placed a hand on her shoulder.

She took a breath and started explaining. "He was telling me that Jade was complaining about him seeing other girls behind her back."

"I don't think Beck would do something like that." I shook my head.

"I know, he's loyal to Jade, and he would never break her heart." Tori sniffed.

"What else did he say?" I asked.

"He also said that he believes that she's developed some type of paranoia, and that he can't even look at another girl without her getting jealous." She explained.

"See? And this is why I don't like Jade. She's a serious she devil!" I threw up my hands.

Tori chuckled a bit. "He told me that he's getting tired of explaining himself to her. No matter how much he does, she just won't listen."

"But how do you know that he's developing feelings for you?" I asked.

"Because he said that he's starting to loose interest in Jade, and that he knows there's someone else out there that's better for him." Tori explained.

"And that makes you think he's talking about you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"He has to, he can't be talking about Cat or Trina. Cat is dating Robbie, and I know for sure that he's not interested in Trina." Tori exhaled.

"Him dating Trina? Yikes!" I shivered at that thought.

Tori giggled. "I... I just don't know how I feel about this Toby, I don't want to be the reason that they break up if they do."

I put my arm around my sister. "Hey, let's just wait and see how all of this will turn out. And I'm not gonna lie, you and Beck would make a great couple."

"Oh Toby." Tori playfully rolled her eyes.

"I'm kidding, but it's the truth." I poked her side. "If Beck decides to break up with the she devil and starts to really get close to you, just tell him how you feel. Okay?"

She smiled and gave me a big hug. "Thanks little bro, I love you."

"I love you too sis." I hugged her back.

The both of us went back upstairs and back to bed. This is such a wild situation.


Later that morning I was thinking about what Tori told me, I was outside on the patio deck reading a book when she joined me.

"Toby, I need you to do something for me!" She sat on the chair that was beside me.

"What?" I wrinkled my eyebrows.

"I need you to be my witness." She said.

"Witness for what?" I put my book down.

"My phone call with Beck." She flipped her hair.

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