Under the Weather

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Monday March 17th, 2014

Toby's POV

So today's kind of odd. I woke up this morning feeling a bit weird. My throat felt a little scratchy, but I ignored it. I hope I'm not coming down with something. As I got ready for school and was about to leave with Tori, she frowned at me.

"Toby? Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah why?" I shrugged.

"You eyes look very weak." She said.

"I'm fine I promise." I said.

"Okay, well let's go." She grabbed her keys and we left.

At school I walked over to my friends as they all turned and greeted me.

"Hey Toby." The all said.

"Hi guys." My voice cracked.

They all stared at me strangely. "Okay... That did not sound good." Lita said.

"What?" I frowned.

"That crack in you're voice dude." Josh said.

"And why does your eyes look weak Toby? Maya asked. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes of course I am." I sighed.

I then started coughing after I sighed. "It's nothing, let's just get to class."

"Toby, that doesn't sound like nothing. I think you may be getting sick." Lita looked worried.

"Me? Get sick? Pfft! No way!" I playfully rolled my eyes.

The three of them exchanged worried looks at each other and we proceeded to class. While we were there I quietly kept clearing my throat. This can't be happening, I cant be catching a cold. All of a sudden I let out a loud sneeze making everyone jump and look my direction. I blushed in embarrassment. Oh darn it, I just had to sneeze didn't I?

"Bless you Toby." The teacher looked concerned.

"T- thanks." My voice cracked again.

"Toby, your voice just cracked again." Lita said in a worried tone.

"Ugh c'mon guys I'm fine already!" I felt annoyed.

"Toby, you might want to go see the nurse, this was like the fifth time you sneezed." The teacher said. "And not to mention you sound a bit stuffy too."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Do I have to?"

"I afraid so." The teacher gave me a sympathetic look.

I got up from my seat and walked out of the classroom and went to see the nurse. Once I was there she checked my temperature.

"Oh goodness, you're coming down with a fever Toby." She said.

"Oh great, that's just fantastic! I threw my hands in the air.

"What are you feeling like?" She asked.

"Well, my throat is starting to get sore, my nose is running, and I'm starting to have a headache." I explained.

"Oh my, do you want me to call your parents?" She asked.

"My sister's Tori is here, you can send for her." I said.

"Sure thing." She walked out of the office to go get Tori.

I laid back on the check up bed that I was sitting on. This can't be happening right now! I can't be getting sick! Seconds later, the nurse came back with Tori.

"Hey kiddo you feeling okay?" Tori asked.

"No okay? I admit it, I'm not feeling well." I said.

She ruffled my hair. "How about I take you home so you can get some rest?" She smiled at me.

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