Water Park Fun

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Saturday June 14th, 2014

Toby's POV

It's a beautiful Saturday morning, summer vacation is officially here! I'm super glad that schools out now, it's been three weeks since Maya and Josh made up with each other. Also, I went to my friend Connor's graduation ceremony back on June 5th, he's now gone off to collage and I'm gonna miss him very much. But I know how important collage is to him, but anyway, today is gonna be an super exciting day because we're all going to a water park! I remember going last summer with my sister and thier friends, that was before I met Lita, Maya, and Josh. But now that I have them as my friends, it's going to be really awesome going to the water park with them. Not only are they going, but so is Alice, Carmen, Tyler, Zack, Will, Natalie, Julie, and Cody! My sisters are going to be there with their friends as well. My sisters and I are getting ready to hit the road, my friends are riding with Will and Natalie on his van. I was going to meet them there by having my sisters drop me off at Will's house so he could follow Tori and Trina. I'm downstairs with them and we all left the house.

"Are you excited Toby?" My sister Tori asked.

"Very excited!" I said from the back seat.

"I know I'm excited, there are going to be some cute boys there!" Trina said while driving.

Tori looked back at me with a grin on her face and I laughed. "You are something else Trina." I shook my head.

We arrived at Will's house and everyone was already there, it makes me wonder how do they keep on beating me here? I can understand Will because he obviously lives here, but the others get here before me, strange. I shook the funny thought out of my head and got out of the car, I rung the doorbell and Will opened the door.

"What's up Toby, you ready for some fun?!" He bro hugged me.

"You know it, this is gonna be great!" I exclaimed.

I greeted Lita and the rest of my friends, when I saw Lita, she was wearing a light blue buttoned t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and black flip flops. She had a bikini on underneath and her hair was in a bun. She looked hot!

"Hey Toby." She hugged me.

"Hey, you ready for some fun?" I kissed her.

"Definitely!" She exclaimed.

"I'm excited too! I love water parks!" Carmen exclaimed.

"I can't wait to go, it's gonna be great!" Tyler said.

"Yeah little bro, you can consider this as another way to celebrate your birthday." Josh told him.

"Yeah! My birthday last week was so much fun, it was the best day ever!" Tyler exclaimed.

"I can't believe you're thirteen now, your getting up there." Will said.

After more mingling, we finally hit the road and was on our way to the water park to have some fun.


After a three hour drive, we finally arrived at the park. It was a huge water park, there were water slides everywhere, and other thing to do. Tori and Trina went off with their friends as I was with mine, Will and Natalie paid for all of us and we entered the park Lita and I were holding hands while admiring the blue sunny sky.

"It's such a beautiful warm day out here." Lita sighed.

"Yeah, it feels great. And you look so pretty." I winked at her.

She blushed. "Aww Toby, thank you. And you look very handsome."

"Thanks." We shared a kiss.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Will asked while walking with Natalie.

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