Your Favorite Moment?

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Sup guys! I'm back again with another question for this book.

What was your favorite moment in this story?

There are a lot of great moments that happened in this book, but which was your favorite?

There were moments like:

Toby meeting Lita for the first time. (Love At First Sight)

Toby and Lita's first date. (School Fun Fair & Date Time)

Toby getting saved by Connor from a group of guys that attacked him. (Jumped)

Lita reuniting with her siblings. (Lita's Siblings)

Toby saving Lita from her abusive father on Thanksgiving. (Thanksgiving Nightmare?)

Toby and his friends win $5,000. (Ski Racing)

Trent proposes to Mercedes. (New Years Proposal)

Mercedes & Trent get married. (The Wedding)

Will and the boys prank the girls with a Bigfoot costume. (Scary Campout)

Josh and Maya have their first kiss. (New Year Proposal)

Toby & Tori help Beck & Jade solve their relationship problem. (Love Connection)

Toby, Lita, Maya, & Josh get locked in a barn. (Locked in a Barn)

Toby winning a doughnut eating contest. (Sneaking Out)

If any of those moments or other moments were your favorite just let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to vote and please follow for more, I will try to have the next chapter up once I figure out an idea for it. Thank you for your support & I'll see y'all later. Peace out! 😎

Shout outs goes to:









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