Sick at Disneyland

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Saturday August 16th, 2014

Toby's POV

It's a sunny Saturday morning today and I had an exciting plan for today. Myself, Tori, and Trina are going to Disneyland today! This is super exciting, Tori also invited Lita, Maya, Josh, Carmen, Tyler, Alice, and Zack to come along with us. Will is gone to work and Natalie is on a family vacation with her family. As I got dressed I hurried downstairs to my sisters as they were just about ready to leave.

"Ready to go Toby?" Tori spoke up.

"Yup, man this is exciting!" I exclaimed.

"It's always a fun day at Disneyland." Trina said.

"I rented a van for us to use so that your friends can ride with us." Tori explained.

"Great, I'm so ready!" I said.

"We're going to have so much fun today, it's gonna be great!" Tori said.

"So when do we leave?" I asked.

"In an hour, we're going to go pick up Lita from her house." Tori explained.

"I bet she's just as excited as I am." I said.


Lita's POV

I woke up with my stomach feeling very queasy, I didn't feel so well. I felt dizzy and nauseous like I was about to throw up, because I was! I hurried to the bathroom and I vomited into the toilet. This is not good because I'm suppose to go to Disneyland with my friends today, and I really don't want to miss it! I think I might've ate something bad last night because me, my mom, and my siblings ate takeout for dinner. I walked back into my room and laid on my bed, this can't be happening. I have to try and hide the fact that I have food poisoning, but how on earth am I gonna do that? Carmen walked into my room to see if I was ready to leave.

"Lita, are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes... Yes I am." I gave a weak smile.

She tilted her head. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Carmen, just... Still a bit tired." I lied.

"Well... Okay." She gave a sweet smile and walked out.

My sister is always concerning, perhaps too concerning. Anyway I showered and brushed my teeth then put on a pretty cute outfit which was a gray t-shirt, blue jeans shorts, and black vans. I put my hair up in a bun and gave myself a weak smile in the mirror. A hard pain went through my stomach and I grabbed it while grunting. Zack walked into my room to see off I was ready.

"You ready Lita?' He said.

I jumped out of my skin. "Yes Zack I'm ready, and don't sneak up on me like that again!"

"Sorry." He shrugged and left.

This is bad, how can I hide my sickness from everyone? I have to find a way to do so.


Toby's POV

Tori and I arrived at Lita's house to pick up her, Carmen, Zack, Alice, Maya, Josh, and Tyler. We parked and went into the house. Everyone except Lita was in the living room.

"Hey you guys." I scanned my friends.

"Hey toby!" They all said.

"Um... Is Lita ready?" I looked around.

"She should be." Zack said.

"You can go check if you want." Carmen smiled.

I smiled and hurried up the stairs. When I got up there I didn't see Lita in her room. "Lita?" I called for her.

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