Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


She comes to my window and knock.

"You've got to be kidding me." I say out loud and Liyema chuckles. He find this amusing?

"Open up!" She yells and I open my window. She grins before leaning on the window.

"Hello jerks. Can you give me a lift?" She ask. I keep my temper in place.

"Who are you calling jerks Afeziwe?"

"You,guys." She sees nothing wrong with this.

"We are not age mates, Afeziwe." She rolls her eyes.

"What's wrong with your car? Did you call the tow truck?" Liyema ask her and she nods.

"I did. They'll be here in a hour and I can't wait for that long. Thank you for the lift." She opens the backseat door and get in.

"Hello. I'm Afeziwe and you're?" She introduces herself to Natasha.

"Don't talk to her." I warn Afeziwe.

"Liyema can you please fetch my handbag and keys inside my car? Pretty please…" She gives him her puppy eyes.

"Sure." My brother get out and go to collect her things. He gives her the handbag and I start driving. I hate this.

"So where should we drop you?" I ask her.

"You'll see." We will see? That doesn't even make sense.


The girl next to me is looking so sad. How is she related to this two?

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she let out a tear.

"What happened? What did you do to her?" I ask the brothers.

"I said don't speak to her." Mr ‘i have a stick shoved’ down my àss says.

"Are you his girlfriend? How can you date someone like him? He's a prick and he definitely looks like the controlling type." The car stops.

"Get out!" Lubanzi says. He sounds annoyed. I fold my arms.

"I'm not going anywhere." He opens his door and get out then comes to open mine. I took out my gun from my handbag and point it at him the moment he opens the door.

"What the hell?"

"Yeah, what the hell Lubanzi. Is this the way to treat a lady?"

"Put…the…gun…away, Afeziwe."

"And if I don't? Are you going to seduce me again because I dare you to try if you don't love your balls. I'll blow them up right now." I point the gun at his waist.

"Fúck you." He also takes out a gun and point it at my head.

"Guys,stop." Poor Liyema says but he doesn't know I'm not the one to back out easily.

"Ask your brother to stop,first."

"This girl accused Lubanzi of sexually harassing her. We are on our way to convince her to withdraw her complaint because he's been suspended." Liyema explains. What? I turn to the girl.

"Why would you do that?" She looks down.

"We also don't know." Liyema adds.

"You should have gone to the police instead. I'm a lawyer and I'll defend you." She looks up to meet my eyes.

" I don't have time for this." Lubanzi grabs my gun unexpectedly and tugs it at his waist. I gasp.

"I want it back."

He doesn't pay heed to me. He goes back to the driver seat and start driving.

"As miss…. what's your name?" I nugde the girl next to me.

"Natasha." She says softly.

"As Natasha's legal representative,I want to be part of the negotiations of her dropping the complaint of sexual harassment against Lubanzi ‘Assholé’ Dalindyebo." Natasha chuckles and Liyema laugh out loud.

"Afeziwe,where have you been all my life?" He ask.

"Around." After that there's silence. Lubanzi drives to this beautiful house. And there's a guard who opens the gate for him.

"Wow. Who stays here?" I wonder.

"It's Lubanzi's penthouse." Liyema clarifies. The car stop and the brothers get out. I open my door and also get out while Lubanzi drags Natasha inside. Liyema and I follows them inside.

Lubanzi throws Natasha on the couch and point his gun at her.

"Why did you frame me?" He goes straight to business. He really looks dangerous but I'm still not scared of him.

"I'm sorry. I felt hurt when you refused to tutor me." She's looking down feeling ashamed.

"I still repeat. Do I look like a tutor?" He ask and she shakes her head.

"Use your words." He's furious.

"No sir."

"If you still love your daughter you'll definitely withdraw that complaint otherwise you should prepare for a funeral because I don't make empty threats."

"I will,I promise." She says while nodding repeatedly.

Lubanzi head upstairs.

"You can leave." Liyema tells her. She stands up.

"Uhm,I don't know where I am." Natasha says.

"Wait here." Liyema follows after his brother. I sit down on the couch.

"Do you know how many men are convicted on a daily basis because of being falsely accused of sexual harassment or assault?" She doesn't answer.

"I'm not Lubanzi's fan but what you did was just low of you, Natasha. You're a young girl and you're also a mother. You have a bright future ahead of you so make better choices for yourself and your daughter. Be someone your daughter can be proud of in the future. If Lubanzi had killed you and threw your body in a place where nobody can ever find you then what would have happened of your daughter? She would grow up not knowing what happened to her mom."

She swallows hard at my words.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what gotten into me."

Liyema comes to us holding a phone.

"Take this phone. An Uber is coming in a few minutes to fetch you. Don't tell anyone about whatever happened here today." She takes the phone.

"Thank you. Please convey my apologies to your brother."

"Just leave." She head out.

"I heard what you said to her." He says staring at me.

"And I was right as always." I smile. He also smile.

"Yeah,yeah Afeziwe. You're growing on me you know. And I do enjoy your silly arguments with my brother. He becomes a different person with you."

"I bring out the best in everyone." I grin.

"You're so arrogant. Want something to eat?"

"Yeah sure." I follow him to the kitchen.

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