Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


"Whuu! We are having a baby girl! Our family is a family of girls." Amber said excitedly as if she didn't know.

"Aunty Fez take this." Iyana gave me the small box she was holding.

I opened it and inside there were this small cute earrings. They were pink.

"Thank you."

"Aunty Amber said that I should give you the gift after the balloon exploded. I chose them myself." She said grinning.

"They are so beautiful. My baby is going to love them." She ran away. Probably to get naughty.

"I'm so happy you're having a girl, sis Fez. We are going to have aunt and niece matching outfits." Hlelo said and hugged me. I was just so overwhelmed with feelings.

Someone clapped her hands. When I looked around it was Nthabiseng.

"You didn't say the same at my baby shower Hlelo." She said.

"That's because I don't like you. You'll never be half the person Fez is. Carrying a boy doesn't make you any important. We gonna love the baby and forget about you. Don't flatter yourself." Hlelo said angrily.

"Hlelolwenkosi behave yourself!" Her mother reprimanded.

"Mom,we should tell her. I'm not scared of her ke mna."

"I don't care. She's older than you. At least show her some respect."

"I'll never respect a low-life desperate bítch." She walked outside. Wow.

Nthabiseng was busy crying as if someone stabbed her.

"Let's go." Banzi walked out of nowhere and held my hand. He took me upstairs away from the drama.

"Open the door." We were in front of this other door.

"What's inside?"

"It's a suprise." He smiled showing off his pretty teeth. My man is attractive. I hope our baby girl takes his looks. I still can't believe I'm having a baby girl. I'm so going to love her.

I opened the door and I was welcomed by a nursery with white walls. The furniture was pink and white. The cot was white. It was pretty.

"Is this for baby D?" I couldn't believe it.

"It's for our baby. This house is all yours." I hugged him.

"Thank you,Banzi."

"It's the least I could do. You're giving me a baby girl. Daddy's girl. I can't wait to spoil her rotten."

"I thought you wanted a boy." I said still in his embrace. He kissed my forehead.

"When I found out that you're having a girl I knew that you'll feel bad that Nthabiseng is having a boy and you're not. I don't want you to compare yourself with Nthabiseng. She's carrying my child and the moment the child is born,I won't even care about her but you. I love you and I want to give you the world Afeziwe. It doesn't matter if you're carrying my son or daughter but you'll always be the one for me. My heart beat for you."

At this point tears were flowing on my face. I hate this pregnancy because it's making me a softie. I'm always crying.

"I love you Lubanzi Dalindyebo."

"And I love you Afeziwe Dalindyebo." I chuckled.

"You need to put a ring on it first."

"That's the second thing on my list."

"What's the first thing on your list?"

"It's a suprise." I hope it's a good one because I can't wait. All his surprises have been the best so far.

"Banzi!" Someone shouted and we let go of each other. Kaya came inside the room running.

"Sorry to disturb you. Liyema said I should tell you that Nthabiseng is in labour and they took her to the hospital." She said panting.

"What? Uhmm…baby? I'll see you okay? I have to go." He hugged me and kissed my forehead before he rushed out of the room.

"This nursery is pretty." Kaya said looking around.

"It is." I said smiling.

"I can't wait to decorate it with my niece's name. What are you going to name her?"

"I really don't know. I just want to look at my baby and maybe a name will come up."

"Two months left!" She screamed out of joy.

"Two months left,Kaya." I can't wait to meet my baby. I pray every night for a safe delivery. I haven't prayed since my mom fell ill because I felt like God failed me but since I saw my bump growing and my baby moving, I knew I had to pray.

"Let's go downstairs." We went downstairs to play some board games. The Dalindyebos were all gone well except for Hlelo. She's a great girl who's just straight forward. She's spoilt yes but when she loves you,she loves you with her all.

"Would you rather have a child who is smart or a child who is kind?" Amber asked.

We were playing would you rather game.


"Smart aunt. She needs to be smart like me!" Iyana yelled and we laughed.

"Yeah she needs to be smart like my adorable niece." I pinched her cheeks and she grinned.

Two hours later I was only left with my sisters and Hlelo. The house had three bedrooms excluding the nursery.

We all camped in one room.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes it was Banzi.

"Let's go sleep properly." He whispered. He helped me off the bed and we went to the main bedroom.

"I'm hungry." I told him as I got inside the blanket.

"Wait right here." He left and came back with pizza and juice. I was no longer sleepy now and I was eating.

"Did she give birth?" He nodded and smiled.

"She gave birth to a healthy baby boy. You should have seen him."

"Did you take him pictures?"

"I did." He took out his phone and showed me a picture of a baby whose eyes were closed.

"Aww." I cooed.

"I named him Ntsikelelo and Nthabiseng named him Ethan."

"Ntsikelelo Ethan Dalindyebo. I love his names. Baby D's brother. Did you hear that baby? You have a brother." I talked to my bump.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Me being angry won't make Ntsiko to miraculously disappear. I just want peace."

"I love you." Banzi said.

"I love you too." I smiled at him. Honestly I'm happy my baby is going to have a brother. I don't like Nthabiseng and that's not a secret but I'll always be grateful that she gave my daughter a playmate. She also gave me a son and I'm going to be the best stepmother to him. Pity I won't ever let her come near my daughter.

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