A Forest of Danger and Despair

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'Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself' - Coco Chanel

As soon as the flask clanged against the stones, Reyna knew she had made a grave mistake and there was no getting out of this one. For all but a second it was silent - as her ears rang and she hoped - hoped with all she had it hadn't been as loud as she thought. Fear seized her senses as she crouched in the Brook, water making its way into her tattered boots as she stayed dead still. Then the howls began. 

Hardly able to breathe, Reyna didn't bother to pick up the fallen flask, leaving the sack as it was as she broke into a run. She'd always been agile and a quick runner ever since she was young but hungry, thirsty and weak she was considerably slower. Reyna didn't stand a chance and she knew it. She'd barely made it a quarter of a mile before her head whipped around, heart racing. Her mistake clear as day. She'd left her bow and arrows. Reyna knew she had no chance without them - the creatures would catch her up eventually. Hesitating, she decided whether to continue running or dare to run back and snatch back the only weapon she had. Reyna chose the risk. She flew through trees and leaves, ducking under fallen pines, hands throbbing with festering splinters as she raced back towards the Brook. It was too late to take back her choice now - she knew. No choice but to stick with it. Reyna had always wondered about how she would die, the question fascinating her. Old age. Murder. Illness. Never had she considered her death to be in the heart of Valbara, at the hands of nameless creatures of legend. 

The sack she had discarded slowly came back into view, to her relief as she saw no threats of danger. Not yet, at least. Reyna almost tripped as she stumbled, hauling the sack around her shoulders with some difficulty. She skidded as she turned around, dirt scattering as she began to run in the opposite direction. She tried to recall all she could about running. Keep your arms in a firm L Shape. Posture. Foot strike. The old information swirled in her head as she tried to process it, to breathe, gripping the sack tighter that was slowing her down. What was the point of it? Why did Reyna still have it? She fished out the bow and arrows, throwing the sack aside, immediately picking up pace. She dared a glance behind her and her heart almost stopped at what she was met with. They were creatures of shadow, easy to miss - all wolves, some different sizes or breeds. At first look they didn't seem intimidating but their eyes glowed the colour of blood and they were extremely quick. There was no life or compassion in them, just hunger for her human flesh. Reyna almost cried out in terror as they grew steadily nearer, so much faster than her. In seconds they would be feasting on her.

With one last ounce of bravery flowing through her Reyna readied the bow and arrow, drawing it back and shooting. It sailed through the air, bound to hit the nearest wolf. To her surprise, it simply...whizzed through. As if the wolf had no flesh it could hit. The discovery gave her hope and dismay - how could it kill her if it had no physical form? All the same, Reyna didn't wish to risk her life on a small possibility. The truth was, the feeble time she had spent attempting to shoot the creatures was short lived. The biggest wolf was on her in an instant, teeth gnashing together, eyes burning with an inner hatred she had never seen. Directed towards her. Memories flashed through her mind - her and River taking a walk to town, her brother at the Blacksmiths, seeing Nova for the last time in the window of a carriage, Tegan's triumphant smirk - 

A resolve hardened through her as she grabbed another arrow, holding it so tightly she could crush it. Reyna held it upwards, directly where the hateful beast would land on her after its lunge. She drew it back and shoved it through the place where the heart would be. It let out a feeble whine, falling onto her body so she was stuck onto the ground underneath its dead weight. The creature panted slightly, arrow embedded in its flesh. With a snarl she had never imagined herself making, she shoved the arrow out and stabbed it into its neck, lodging it deep  there. The wolf let out a horrible groan of pain but Reyna couldn't see past the red that misted her eyes, her mind. Anger at her ugliness, at Tegan, at these creatures that were determined to take her chance of happiness away. Such rage, that maybe made her no better than the despicable animal she was killing. Her teeth bared in fury as she twisted the arrow through its a neck, a horrible black blood spurting through the wolf's open wound in the heart. It splattered Reyna's face and hair, the smell awful, as if something was burning. 

Feeling invincible, Reyna pushed the limp body off her, letting it roll on the floor. It was still for a moment, the eyes open but not seeing, blood still dribbling like a stream out of it. Like a dream or apparition, the Wolf vanished as if it had never been there at all. Breathing loudly, Reyna glanced towards the rest of the Wolf Horde, who suddenly looked unsure of taking her on. For emphasis, Reyna grabbed the bloody arrow lying on the floor and shoved it towards them. The closest Wolf took a step back before fleeing back into the pitch black forest. The other Wolves followed, howling into the night. She stayed in her pose for a moment, afraid they'd come back and were just waiting to ambush her. After a few minutes, she crumpled to the floor, sobs wracking her body. She was sure she had never felt so alone in her whole life. 

Reyna felt as if she was in a pit of despair as she hugged her arms around her knees, burying her head in her chest. She didn't bother to wipe of the dirt and blood that marred her face or rid the splinters that were buried in her palms. She just cried, overcome by a wave of emotions - fear, adrenaline, shock and fury. Reyna wasn't sure how long she stayed like that or how long someone had been standing there, watching her break down into pieces. It wasn't until reality came back into her view, her tear fogged eyes clearing that she heard the whisper of someone's breath. 

Not a wolf or some deadly creature. Reyna scrambled backwards, on her hands and knees, away from the person clothed in black. She could tell the person was a woman by her lean slim structure, the way she held herself. She was shrouded in a cloak black as night with a equally black skirt made of cotton. She wore a white blouse with a frilly neck and sleeves, dark leather boots with metal buckles and tattered tights. She wore leather black gloves, silver talons attached to the fingers, so sharp they were begging to draw blood. She looked deadly, dangerous. 

Who are you?" Reyna whispered. The woman came closer, her steps measured and confident. She lit a candle, illuminating the forest around them. The hood was draped so far over her face all she could see was a flash of beige coloured skin as she knelt down beside Reyna. Her hands pulled back her hood, revealing a young beautiful face. She had tresses of butterscotch brown hair, spilling down to her waist and eyes the colour of the forest around them. She smiled slightly, revealing rows of straight white teeth.

Her face was mesmerising and Reyna found she couldn't look away. If she had considered Nova and Tegan beautiful this woman was another level entirely. She was otherworldly. Impossible. "My name is Agnes." The woman whispered, her voice smooth as silk. "What's your name, child?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. 

Reyna found herself tongue tied, unable to speak so in awe of this woman. Who was Agnes? Why was she here? How could she be sure she wasn't just a figment of her imagination? Agnes chuckled at her silence. "I am real, I assure you." She smiled again, revealing dimples. "Now, pray tell me who you are." 

Unable to resist, the words seem to escape her mouth, as if wasn't really her who was speaking. "My name is Reyna." Her voice was tired, broken, husky of disuse. 

"Reyna." Agnes repeating, as if she enjoyed the way the name rolled in her tongue. "What are you doing in Valbara, Reyna?" She asked, delighted it seemed to repeat Reyna's name. 

I..." her mind was foggy. "I was looking for the witches. The Valbarian Witches." 

"Well, child." Agnes replied. "You've found them." 

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