A City of Magic and Mayhem

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'The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express' - Francis Smith

As Agnes had predicted, it had taken Reyna a whole day to make it Brunagh, Muriri. She drank and ate frequently, galloping through silent forests and fields. Darcy was the fastest horse she had ever ridden and seemed to know where she wished to go. This was a relief as Reyna had never learnt the art of horse riding - she had been too poor and too low in spirit to even consider the idea. She wondered whether she should pay a visit to her parents to assure them she was alright but once they saw her with her newfound beauty who knew what'd they do? They might accuse her of being a Witch herself. Shoving down her longing, she passed her hometown of Deidre with a heavy heart, keeping her eyes fixed on the destination. Agnes's words rang in her head, reminding her of what she had to do. As Reyna had had much time alone with her thoughts in the day she resolved it was what must be done and no more. 

Muiri was a huge city, the capital itself. So many travellers and vendors were there, entering the city, the smell of spices overpowering her nose. There were people outside the city selling their wares of food and antiques, so called magical items and heirlooms. After living so long in the dark, Reyna delighted to be at the centre of the bustle of people, savouring people's too long stares in her direction. She felt a strange pride in her so called beauty - making her even more determined not to lose it. Muiri may not be magical in the true sense - but it was magical, in a different kind of way.

She left Darcy in the stables outside the city, before joining others on the road up to the drawbridge. Reyna turned some heads in her ballgown  and she basked at the attention, letting them see cool indifference. It was a whole line of people waiting to be approved into the City. After all, the King's forces couldn't just let anyone in - it would be havoc. Agnes had secured her a fake identity sheet - yes, it had her name and date of birth and had the same thick material - but at the end of the day it was just plain old witchcraft.She rubbed it back and forth in her hands, sighing at how slow she shuffled forwards. 

She felt a pair of eyes on her and her gaze drifted to a girl about her own age, staring unabashed at her. Everyone else whose gaze she had met had looked away but this girl - she had some confidence. She sauntered up to Reyna slowly, mouth forming a curious smile. She let down her hood, revealing waves of dark blonde hair and milk chocolate brown eyes. "Are you here for the Ball?" She asked, her tone as if she already knew the answer. Her eyes assessed Reyna's dress again. "Hmm. Nice dress." She commented.

"I am here for the Ball." Reyna replied. "And what of it?"

"Are you a potential marriage candidate?" She chuckled, in on a joke Reyna didn't understand. She felt strangely defensive.

"Are you?"

The girl stopped laughing as quickly as she had begun. Her face turned bleak, mouth wrinkling in disgust. "No, certainly not." She looked as if she was going to be sick. 

Reyna felt unsure of what to say so stood there awkwardly. The girl's eyes drifted back to her. "Sorry." She said, managing a small smile. "Introductions have never been my strong suit." She stuck out a hand. "I'm Everly." 

Everly? The name rung a bell in Reyna's head, as if she knew the name from somewhere, as if she was just missing a piece of the puzzle as she squinted at her. "I swear I know you." 

Everly laughed. "Most people do. Don't fret, Rain." Everly patted her cheek before turning away. "I'll see you at the Ball." Just like that, her hood back up, she made off into the night. Reyna was sure that had been the strangest exchange of her life. Besides, how had she known her name? She glanced down at her dress, looking for the giveaway. She groaned when she found it, her name embellished in deep green. It was subtle but Reyna cursed Agnes anyway. 

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