A Girl of Jealousy and Cruelty

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'A beautiful person is someone who stays true to themselves and their spirit'

Reyna slid the purple bead into her ear easily, wincing at the slight sting. She'd gone into the City earlier to finally get them pierced with Everly in tow who had dragged her along to a boutique. Eventually, she'd ended up buying a new lilac ballgown. It was gorgeous, thin straps and the skirt flowing past her shoes so that they were hidden underneath the layers of tulle. The bodice was engraved with flowers which continued down to the skirts where they had been sewn on. Reyna truly felt like a princess as Juniper scooped back her hair, plaiting it into an intricate waterfall braid. "You have such pretty hair." Juniper murmured mournfully as she finished on the hair and set on adding kohl to Reyna's eyes and blush to her cheeks. "Thank you." She replied, admiring herself in the mirror when Juniper was finished. "I can't believe it's been a quarter of my time here already."

"Do you think you'll dance with the Prince?" Juniper asked coyly, throwing Reyna a grin.

"If he asks me to then yes, of course." Reyna glanced at the clock and shuffled out of her seat. "I'm meeting Gladys. I'll see you afterwards." 

Reyna entered the hall which was silent and empty not to her surprise. Everyone was at the Ball already most likely. Her last time at the Ball had been ... chaotic. Thanks to Fabian - unfortunately - she had managed to sneak her way in and had discovered Everly who was the Princess. Then she had slow danced with Fabian and had been selected for the Prince's Hand. It had been quite the night. Gladys was waiting at the bottom of the stairwell and she smiled upon Reyna's approach. "You look so gorgeous." Gladys said with a smile. "Purple suits you." Reyna inclined her head towards Gladys's pale pink gown that was equally pretty, her brown waves of hair left down and spilling not far from her waist. "You look lovely too."

It was a five minute walk to the ball and they discussed the Prince, the food and the dancing. When they were almost there, Reyna tripped on her heels, falling to the floor in an explosion of tulle that pooled around her legs. "These damn heels." She muttered. She hadn't yet mastered the art of walking properly in them and Gladys offered Reyna her am as she got her bearings, fighting to hide her smile. 

The blush had cooled in Reyna's cheeks as they entered the Ballroom, already a frenzy of nobles, ladies and the wealthy. Everly had been waiting for them beside a pillar and grinned at their approach. The Princess had gone all out, her gown gold and impossible to miss, hair tied up into a bun and flaunting extravagant jewellery, attracting the eyes of a few potential suitors. "You look so good. The both of you." Her brown eyes lingered on Gladys a beat too long before her eyes ripped away and settled on Reyna's freshly pierced ears. "Glad to see they haven't swelled up. You suit them, Rain." Everly turned to Gladys who looked at her with a gleam in her eye Reyna couldn't quite figure. 

"Are there croutons?" Gladys asked, trying to fight a smile and failing. Everly's eyes lit up and she glanced towards the buffet table. "There are! I looked earlier." There was something Reyna couldn't quite put her finger on at the interaction as they disappeared into the crowd, leaving Reyna alone. She would have gone with them but she got the sense they wanted to be alone. her eyes searched the crowd for someone she knew, despairing at the thought of having to spend the whole Ball leaning against a pillar.

She felt insanely relieved when she spotted Julie and Mimoza laughing while drinking champagne to the far end of the wall. She headed over to them and they greeted her warmly as she joined them. "Reyna! What have you been up to?" Mimoza asked in way of greeting.

"Not much. I've only just gotten here."

"i've been her for what feel like agesss and the Prince hasn't asked me to dance." Julie pouted, taking another sip of her champagne. Julie's dress was turquoise, bringing out her eyes, curly hair tied back while Mimoza wore amber, wavy hair tucked behind her ears. They were both beautiful. Difficult competition to be sure. "Do you think he'll eliminate a girl tonight?" Reyna asked. Julie shrugged. "Quite possibly. I hope its not one of us or Gladys. Where is she, by the way?" 

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