A Rite of Roses and Runes

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'There is a kind of beauty in imperfection' - Conrad Hall

Reyna stepped forward hesitantly, unsure what to do with herself momentarily. Morgan offered her a smile, beckoning her closer. Reyna's eyes slid to Agnes who was watching her intently, giving her a nod. The tension in the air was so thick she felt as if she could cut it with a knife. Reyna felt self conscious with so many eyes on her, feeling their gazes crawl over her, pricking her skin. She crossed her arms, folding in on herself.

"It's come to my attention," Morgan began carefully. "That you have trespassed into Valbara and murdered a Witch." Murmurings began to rise among the group, edged with spite. Reyna shuffled backwards a little, taking a defensive stance. "I don't know what you mean." She replied, determined to hold the blonde haired Witch's gaze. Morgan tutted, inspecting her sharp nails. "Perhaps. You did kill a Wolf, yes?" Reyna swallowed, remembering the black hate that had consumed her during that moment, feeling ashamed. Yes, it had been her only choice to kill the creature. It or herself. Yet, she despised how it had made her feel during the time. Invincible. Powerful. The emotions that usurpers has after a kill, a desire for more power and control. Reyna didn't know how to feel about that for herself.

She raised her head stubbornly. "Yes, I killed a Wolf." She glanced around, gaze hard. "If I had not, I would have died." Morgan bared her teeth, leaning forwards. Her eyes were a blue storm, eyes that held centuries of knowledge and power. "They are made to defend our lands. You did not belong."

Do you wish for me to apologise for preventing my own demise?" Morgan studied her carefully at this before beginning to prowl around the table. "You humans don't know the full scope of how things work around here despite believing you do. Listen carefully now. When a Witch dies - granted, not often. Witches can live up three hundred years. When a Witch dies," she continued, her voice a whisper as she stopped beside Reyna. "They are reincarnated as familiars. Defenders of our land, our home, free to roam the wilds as they wish for the rest of eternity." Her lip curled. "Unless someone kills them, of course." Morgan threw a meaningful look at Reyna when she said this. 

Reyna processed this and what the Witch had said. "So...I did kill a Witch?" She croaked, fear flooding through her. What her punishment might be. She swallowed, meeting Morgan's eyes who nodded. "Yes, you did. Despite doing it unknowingly, you have committed a huge crime against us." She sighed, noting Reyna's horror stricken face. 

"But...there is an alternative to life as a prisoner - or death. Although, I would like to ask you a question if I will. Why did you come here, girl?" She prodded. 

Reyna looked down at her feet, embarrassed at her wish now she was here. "Because..." she mumbled before stopping. "I know you can grant wishes for a price. I was willing to pay it to be beautiful." The words rushed out of her and she watched Morgan's face. She assessed Reyna curiously. "I see." She flashed a dazzling smile. "I have a proposition for you, Reyna. One that will grant both our aspirations. Are you willing to hear it?" She nodded quickly, hope blooming at he opportunity that had been presented to her. 

"You've probably heard that the King refused to punish his subjects for killing a familiar although we demanded it, as our customs. We swore to get revenge on him and that we plan to do. I will grant you beauty and let you leave this place unharmed as long as you do something for me."

"And what is that?"

"You are to compete for the Prince's hand in marriage and make him fall in love with you. And once he has fallen, you shall kill him." Kill the Prince? The idea was absurd at first and Reyna was about to refuse before hesitating. Prince Donovan was known for drinking around, for having many lovers. Would it be such an awful thing to kill a man such as him? And to have beauty at last...she longed for it. Besides, what was the alternative? Death? Torture? The way she saw it, she had no choice and a bonus. Really, why would she say no? "I accept the terms." Reyna agreed and Morgan smiled approvingly at her. "Brilliant." 

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